(But Not) Forgotten

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"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Emily said as she walked up to Luke and JJ. Usually she would hug JJ first in any situation that involved her. However, this time she hugged Luke. Only Luke. Something was off between the two of them, and the team could tell. They rarely spoke to each other. They always talked to each other. Their dynamic just is not the same, and the team misses their dynamic.

That night, JJ decided to go to Emily's apartment. It just didn't sit right with her that Emily didn't even hug her. She knows they haven't been talking, but Emily would always hug her regardless. JJ was nervous as she stood outside the door but knocked anyway. "JJ? What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Emily asked.

"Can I come in?" JJ asked.

"I mean, I guess." Emily said. Emily stepped aside and closed the door after JJ walked in.

"Why didn't you hug me when you came up to Luke and I?" JJ asked.

"What?" Emily asked, now confused.

"After walking up to Luke and I, you never hugged me. You only hugged Luke, and that didn't sit right with me." JJ said.

"You really came over here at three in the morning to ask why I didn't hug you?" Emily asked, a little annoyed.

"Yes, I did! I needed a friend in that moment, and you weren't there!" JJ rasied her voice.

"Well, gee, I wonder why! You never once contacted me during the pandemic after work. Not a single text to even see how I was doing. Everyone else checked in on me as I did with them. Even Spence did every once in a while! But not a single message or call from you. I tried contacting you multiple times, but you never returned my calls or texts. Dodged me when we were at work. So you tell me, JJ. Why did I not hug you?" Emily asked.

"Emily, I'm-"

"Don't even say you're sorry." Emily said.

"But I am. I thought of you everyday, but I just couldn't message or call you." JJ said.

"And why not?" Emily asked.

"Because of what your mom told me." JJ said, now starting to tear up.

"When did you talk to my mom?" Emily asked.

"At Spences' farewell party. She told me that I'm already married, and I would be disgracing, not only myself, but also my family if I were to cheat on Will with a woman." JJ said.

"What did you do to even make her say that?" Emily asked, knowing her mother wouldn't just say that.

"Nothing. It was the looks I was giving her daughter." JJ said.

"Wait-" Emily started, realizing what JJ just said. But JJ cut her off.

"I'm in love with you, Emily. I think I always have been, but I didn't realize it until at Will and I's wedding reception. It was too late then. I realized that your mom is right, and so I decided to cut all communication with you unless it was at work. I really wanted to ask if you were okay because I noticed that you seemed a little depressed. But I knew if I did that, then I would come over. Who knows what would've happened. I really tried to bury my feelings for you, but the more I tried to stay clear of you, the more I thought about you. The more I looked at you. But today I had to break that because you didn't even bother to hug me or check to see if I was doing okay." JJ explained.

"Why didn't you just tell me before?" Emily asked.

"Because I was married. I didn't want to cause any uproar or anything like that. But, I can't hide my feelings anymore." JJ said.

"God you really have bad timing." Emily said, biting her lip with tears in her eyes.

"Who is it?" JJ asked, knowing what she meant.

"Doug." Emily answered.

"Like, deputy director Douglas Bailey?" JJ asked. Emily nodded her head. "Oh. Well I'm happy for you." JJ said, looking at the floor.

"If I would've known-"

"Can I kiss you? I just- I just need to know what it feels like to kiss you." JJ said.

"JJ that would be cheating. We're both not like that." Emily said.

"Don't tell me that you haven't thought about it, though." JJ said.

"Of course I have, but that was before I got together with Doug." Emily said.

"So you're not at all curious?" JJ asked.

"I-" Emily couldn't get anything else out. Of course she was curious. She just didn't want to cheat on Doug. But then again, she's always loved JJ.

"That wasn't a no." JJ said. Emily had to. She had to kiss JJ. She needed to feel her lips on her own. So she leaned forward and took JJ's lips into hers. However, the kiss turned into something a little more. Well, a lot more. They weren't planning on it happening, but it did. They both ended up falling asleep in each others arms before Emily's alarm went off an hour later. They jolted up before scrambling to find each others clothes.

"I'm sorry." Emily said.

"Don't be. Last night, well, this morning I guess, was amazing. I don't regret it." JJ said.

"I don't either, but I do regret cheating on our significant others. More than we were anticipating." Emily said.

"They don't have to know about it." JJ said.

"I think it's best that we just keep our distance from each other." Emily said.

"What?" JJ asked, her heart breaking.

"Now that I know what it feels like to be with you, I'm not going to be able to control myself. So it's just best that we keep our distance." Emily said. JJ nodded with tears in her eyes and got dressed. She then found the rest of her belongings and walked out. At work, JJ saw Emily and Doug sneak a kiss, and it broke her heart. But, she knew she had to keep away from her.


Hey guys! This definitely isn't my best work. But I hope you like it!

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