Heartbreak Faces Reality

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This is the sequel to 'Heartbreak'! If you haven't read that one yet, please do before reading this one! Thank you, and enjoy!

JJ went home, and when she entered her apartment, she screamed and threw what was the closest to her at a wall, which just so happened to be a vase. She slid down her front door and cried. Cried because she was angry at herself for kissing Emily. Cried because she basically made Emily cheat on her boyfriend. Cried because nothing will be the same between the two of them. But most importantly, cried because she just ruined the friendship that she never, in her life, ever wanted to lose. Yes, she never wanted to lose her friendships with any of her friends, but it was different with Emily for obvious reasons. 

JJ picked up her phone and immediately called Will. "So did you guys- okay what happened? Why are you crying?" he asked. 

"I- and- I just- and-" is all JJ could get out. 

"Okay. Just calm down. Close your eyes and listen to my voice." JJ did as told. "Breathe in slowly. Hold it for a couple seconds. Now breathe out slowly. Breathe in slowly. Hold it. Now breathe out." he said. JJ did so, and now she could actually breathe. "Now tell me what happened." he said. 

"I took her to the hockey game. She saw that the Kings were playing and said that her boyfriend would be jealous. She never even told me that she had a boyfriend. I thought I was her best friend. But then after the game, I took her home. Before she got out of the car, I kissed her. I don't even know why. I basically made her cheat on her boyfriend whose name I still don't know. I'm so mad at myself for doing that, but I'm more mad for ruining my friendship with her. No offense, but she was the one friend that I told myself that I'm never allowed to lose." JJ explained. 

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that last part because I've been your best friend longer than she has. But, JJ, you can't beat yourself up over this. I know that it's hard masking your feelings for someone. Remember the time that we were at the BAU and I ended up kissing Garcia? I couldn't hide my feelings for her anymore. Sometimes our body does things that we don't intend to do before our minds can react. Your body just wanted to kiss Emily because it knew that she had a boyfriend, and it wouldn't get to see how it is to kiss her. So that's why you ended up kissing her. But, she really is stupid for not liking you. You're gorgeous, and you could be in love with anyone on the planet. Yet, you choose her to be in love with. She is one lucky woman, and she should feel special because you don't just fall in love with anyone. It takes a lot for you to fall in love with someone." Will said. 

"It really does, but I fell in love with her the moment I saw her." JJ said. 

"So it was love at first sight." Will said. 

"Yeah. I never really believed in it until then." JJ said. She sighed and closed her eyes. "I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get over her." 

"You will eventually." he said. 

"No, you don't understand. I'm literally so in love with her. She is like the sun to me. She just brightens me up in every way. She's my world. I will never, ever be able to get over her." JJ said. 

"Just give it some time. You will find someone. Maybe not like Emily. But you will find someone." he said. 

"Doubt it." JJ mumbled. 

"Look, I know that no one is like Emily, but there will be a time when there's going to be that guy or woman who will make you feel all giddy and stuff. It won't happen overnight. It will happen when the time is right." he said. 

"I guess. I need to get to bed. I have church in the morning. Are you and Garcia still going with me?" JJ asked. 

"Yeah. After, all of us are going to change into more comfy clothes, and we are going to go shopping." Will said. 

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