"I've always loved you"

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"Tell me your deepest secret. Something deeper than that." the unsub told JJ. JJ and Reid were being held hostage. JJ looked over at Reid and started to tear up. She felt as if there was a frog in her throat. 

"Spence." she managed to get out. "I've always loved you." she finally said a couple seconds later. She has never told anyone that, not even Emily. 

After the unsub was caught and JJ and Reid were free, the team got ready for Rossi's wedding. All throughout it, JJ and Reid kept glancing at each other. Emily noticed them, and she wondered why they were doing it. They've been sneaking glances since they were free from being hostage. During the reception, Emily noticed them talking to each other, but it was different than their normal talks. She walked over to them and interrupted their conversations. "Guys, they're about to cut the cake." Emily said. They nodded, and the three of them walked over to where everyone else was. 

After the reception, JJ and Emily went back to their house. "So what happened while you and Reid were being held hostage?" Emily finally asked. 

"What do you mean?" JJ asked.

"Come on, babe. You two have been sneaking glances ever since you were free, and I know your conversation at Rossi's reception wasn't like your others. So what happened?" Emily asked. 

"I can't tell you." JJ said, putting on her pajamas.

"You can't, or you're afraid?" Emily asked. 

"Em, I just, I can't because I'm afraid of what will happen to us." JJ said. 

"Jayje, I think I already know what it is." Emily said. 

"I don't think you do."

"You're in love with Reid." Emily said. She noticed JJ tense up. "I'm right aren't I?"

"How did-"

"I put things together. Well, I have my own dark secret." Emily said. 

"Let me guess. You're pregnant with Reid's child." JJ said, just taking a random guess that she knew wasn't it. 

"Actually with Will's child." Emily said. 

"What?!" JJ asked, getting up from their bed. "I was just throwing something random out. When the hell did this happen? Why?!" JJ said, getting more mad each second. 

"It was after our argument that we had about a couple months ago where we almost broke up. He was there for me, and one thing lead to another. Look, I'm sorry, but you really can't say anything." Emily said, sitting up in their bed. 

"And why can't I?" JJ asked. 

"Because look at us. We've been dating for almost 10 years, and the team STILL doesn't know. All because you're afraid of what they will think. I've had to watch you kiss Will in front of everyone when we had to kiss in private. I had to watch you have his kids while I wish we could have our own. Hell, I even had to watch you "marry" him. We still have yet to get married all because you're scared. I still stayed with you because you're my everything, Jayje. But now that I'm saying all of this out loud, it sounds to me that you're embarrassed to be with me. All I want is to kiss you in front of the team and show them that you don't belong to Will. You belong to me. Do you know how hard it is to let you be "married" to Will and have to pretend that there's nothing but friendship between us? Well it's really hard. Are you ashamed to be with me? Because if you are, then why are you even still with me?" Emily asked, both of them starting to cry. 

"I'm not ashamed of you. I just don't think that I'm ready to tell the team." JJ said. 

"I gave you 10 years! How much longer do you need?!" Emily shouted. 

"It takes time you know! I've never, in my life, dated a woman. It takes time to tell people. Especially people that we see almost everyday. And once we tell them, then it will be very real." JJ said. 

"Don't you want it to be real?" Emily asked, very hurt by JJ's comment. 

"Of course I do." JJ said. 

"Then why don't we tell them?" Emily asked. Instead of waiting on JJ to answer, Emily got up and walked out of the room. JJ started to tear up, realizing all of what Emily has done to keep their relationship together; all that she's put into their relationship. She realized that she, herself, did nothing but basically cheat on her, and Emily definitely didn't deserve it. So, JJ did what she had to do. She went to her and Emily's room and saw Emily sitting on the floor crying. JJ walked over to her and sat down right beside her. 

"We need to talk about this." JJ said. 

"About what? About breaking up with me?" Emily asked. 

"No. About what happened when Spence and I were held hostage." JJ said. All Emily could do was nod her head and look down at the floor. "I have always loved him. We even went to a Redskins game together. You already know all of this. But, Emily, when I first saw you, I remember thinking that you were so beautiful. After a while, I started liking you as more than a friend, and that really frightened me because I've never liked a woman before. My family is strongly against the LGBTQ+ family, and them finding out is what scares me the most because I don't think I'm ready for them to disown me. But, without thinking of what they would say, I was so happy to become your girlfriend. But when they started asking why I was so happy all of a sudden, I panicked. I just told them I had a boyfriend because I knew, at the time, that they would just disown me, and I wasn't ready for that. When I met Will, I thought he was cute, but he wasn't you. So I asked him if he could play the role as my boyfriend, and he surprisingly agreed to it. I was also surprised that he was so willing to do it. He even knew what was going on between us. Then Henry happened after a drunken night. I really thought you were going to break up with me, but you didn't. You stayed by my side through the entire pregnancy. Then when he was born, you turned into such a good mother to him. My heart melted and still melts at the moments you have with him and Michael. Fast forward to when you "died". That was the worst time for me and the boys. Everyone could see that I was the worst of us all. Even worse than Morgan. I knew you were still alive, but I didn't know where you were or anything, and that really bothered me. I couldn't contact you by letter or anything but online scrabble. I was so excited when you were back. I could hug you and kiss you, but I couldn't do it in front of the team because we would get into huge trouble. Not only that, I was scared of them finding out. Skip to now. Emily, a part of me will always love Spence because he was the first guy that didn't want me for just sex. But you will always be my number one. I will always love you, and you know that. I love you and all your goddessness." JJ said and then she kissed Emily. 

"Show me you love me as much as you say you do." Emily said, and so JJ did. All night long. In the morning, they were called into the BAU for yet another case. Right before they walked into the conference room before everyone else, JJ pulled Emily aside. Emily was confused, but before she could stand there confused for too long, JJ kissed her. 

"It's about damn time you two come out. It only took 10 years." they heard Rossi say. Both JJ and Emily couldn't help but laugh at his comment. They looked at him after their kiss. "Come on. We've all known. JJ just doesn't look at Will like she looks at you, Emily." he said. Spencer handed Derek some money as does Garcia. JJ and Emily laughed, and they all went into the conference room. Right as they all walked out after the briefing, they saw Derek and Hotch standing there. They all ran up them and gave them big hugs. 


Hey guys! That was such an awful ending! This will be my last one. I hope you liked it anyways!

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