Sexual Tension

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This will contain mature scenes. Don't read if you don't like scenes like this!

"Em, we have a-" JJ started but stopped when she saw Emily. Emily was changing into her work clothes as JJ walked into their room.

"You know, you can knock." Emily said with a smirk. She was completely nude, just about to put on her panties.

"Well I'm glad I didn't." JJ said, smirking. She walked up to Emily and kissed her. Both of them moaned and smiled. JJ pushed Emily back onto their bed and straddled her. She kissed down her neck and started sucking and her sweet spot. As she was doing so, she moved her right hand down and started to finger her. "You're so wet." JJ said and kissed Emily again. After a couple minutes, JJ stopped, and that made Emily angry.

"Why did you stop?" Emily asked angrily.

"We have to get to work." JJ said and got up. She smiled and left the room. Emily groaned and got ready for work. Emily absolutely hated being left sexually frustrated. So, she decided that she would wear her favorite bra and panties, which just so happens to be JJ's favorite bra and panties when Emily gives her a lap dance. She decided that she would wear slacks that were tight on her and a low cut red shirt. She put on her heels and went out to the car after grabbing her phone, badge, credentials, and gun.

When she got in the car, JJ looked at her, eyes widening slightly. "Of course you decide to wear that." JJ said. Emily smiled and put her hand on JJ's thigh.

"I thought you might like it. I know how much you like me in red." Emily said, sliding her hand up and inside her thigh. Since she was wearing a dress, Emily decided to move her hand further and rubbed her. She discovered that JJ wasn't wearing any panties.

"You're such a bad girl." Emily whispered into JJ's ear. She rubbed JJ harder and faster, and JJ was trying her best to keep her eyes on the road. Emily smirked and took matters further and stuck two fingers into her. Just as JJ was about to release, Emily stopped because they arrived at the BAU. Emily took her fingers out and licked them clean. JJ looked at Emily with an angry look, and Emily couldn't help but laugh.

"Now you know how I feel." Emily said and got out. JJ sighed and followed her fiancé into the building. They went into the elevator, and JJ stood really close to Emily. She placed her hand on Emily's back and lowered her hand down to her ass. She put her hand in Emily's pants and rubbed her ass until the bell dinged. JJ removed her hand from Emily's pants and walked out. Emily stayed slightly behind JJ and stared at her ass as they were walking to the conference room.

"Emily?" Derek asked, dragging out her name a little bit.

"Yes?" Emily asked with a questioning voice.

"Who gave you a hickey?" he asked with a smirk. Emily and JJ haven't exactly told the team that they were engaged. They haven't even told them that they are dating because they know that they will lose their jobs if anyone finds out about them. They've been doing well considering they've been hiding their relationship for five years now.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Emily said.

"Really? You can't tell me that you haven't seen the really dark mark on your neck?" Derek asked.

"No." Emily said, now starting to blush.

"You're blushing, so you have to know about it."

"Let me tell you this, Derek. If you have to ask me something about my love life because I haven't told you, it's probably because I don't think you can handle the answer." Emily said. Hotch walked in and they went over the case. Once they were done, Emily went to the bathroom and put foundation over the mark JJ left earlier that day. As she was applying the last bit, she heard the door open. When she looked in the mirror towards the door, she saw JJ walking in.

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