Crossed Paths

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"Good Lord, can anything else go wrong today?" Emily said after spilling her paint. Emily Prentiss is an award winning artist and makes millions off of her paintings each year. She was working on a new piece that was a portrait of a cathedral on a dark, foggy night. She wanted to capture, not only the spooky element, but also the feeling of being alone. As she  was working on the gargoyles, that's when she spilled the paint.

"That was very close to the carpet." Elizabeth, Emily's mom said. Emily jumped due to not know her mom was there and dropped her paint brush.

"I'm well aware of that, mother." Emily said, rolling her eyes as she picked the brush up.

"I still think you should've gone to college instead of doing this. You need a real job." Elizabeth said.

"I literally make more than you do, and you own your own company." Emily pointed out.

"You're 34 now, Emily. I think it's time that you venture out and work in an office or even a hospital." Elizabeth said.

"Not a chance. Plus that would be a huge pay cut if I did that." Emily said.

"Well you could at least move to a better part of town instead of one that floods. That way you can actually move in, and I don't have to worry about paint being on the floor." Elizabeth said.

"The flooding rarely happens. I'm literally only staying here because of them renovating it. But if you want me out so bad just tell me. I'll leave." Emily said.

"You have nowhere to go." Elizabeth said.

"I could stay in a hotel, but since you think so low of me for being an artist, I might as well just stay on the streets. Like you would care anyway." Emily said.

"Of course I care." Elizabeth said.

"You sure have a funny way of showing it." Emily scoffed before setting down her pain brush and walking out. Emily had to get ready anyway because she was going to one of the silent auctions that her most recent painting was in. Since just about everyone that goes to these auctions are rich, she had to dress the part. She work a slim fitting, floor length dress with diamond earrings and necklace. She put on a pair of nude heels, slicked her hair back into a French bun, and grabbed her clutch.

"Have Gina drive you!" Elizabeth shouted as Emily walked out of the house. Emily groaned and waited on the driver. Once Gina had pulled around from the garage, she stopped in front of Emily. Emily got in the car, and she was off to the event. When she walked in, she mainly saw older people. They were probably 60-80 years old if Emily had to guess. There were a few that were maybe in their 40's, but Emily spotted one the was about her own age. Maybe even younger. But she was absolutely stunning. Emily decided to make her way over to her.

"First time coming to one of these?" Emily asked her. She did seem a bit lost in what to do.

"Is it that obvious?" the woman asked shyly.

"A little bit. But don't worry, I will be your own personal mentor in the 'silent auctions 101' course." Emily said which caused her to chuckle a little bit.

"I didn't know I would be taking a whole course today. You could've at least given me a day to prepare." she said with a smile. That caused Emily chuckle.

"I'm Emily." Emily said.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I'm Jennifer, but you can call me JJ." JJ said. Emily blushed when JJ called her beautiful.

"I think I will call you Jennifer. Perfect name for such a beautiful woman." Emily said, which caused JJ to blush.

"So do you come to these things often? You seem like you know what to do." JJ asked.

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