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"Oh my gosh, babe, look what I found!" I shout at my fiance Emily. Emily walked down the stairs and asked, 


"I just found my rant essay that I did back in like seventh grade." I said. 

"Oh yeah. That was when I started falling in love with you even though I was older." Emily said. 

"Well you shouldn't have failed pre-algebra three times." I stated. 

"True, but I did get one good thing out of it. I got you." Emily said. I ended up blushing a little bit. "Go ahead and read it." 

"Okay. It's titled 'Society'. 

Why does society have to be so discriminating? Why do numbers have to define who you are? I don't understand why something so small defines who you are as a person. I just don't get it. So this is my rant about society and everything going on. 

First off, as my biggest rant, I don't know why people are so against gays. I understand why very religious people are because they don't go against religion. But seriously. Why must people hate them? They are normal just like the rest of us. I don't know why people see them as different. Yeah they like the same gender, but they are still human. They love who they love. They don't choose who they love, it just happens just like straight people. Gay people are equals, and they should be treated like that. All I'm saying is that gays are human, straights are human, we're all human. We all love who we love. We don't choose who we love. We're all normal, so why does sexuality change everything?

Secondly, why are girls and women treated like objects? Back in the day, women and girls were treated like they should be; with respect. They may not have had a lot of their rights that we have now, but at least men had respect for them. Women are not some object. They have feelings just like everyone else. They shouldn't be taken advantage of, and they shouldn't be sold. Guys these days just don't understand that and think they can get away with it. Well news flash to them, they can't. They don't rule the world. I know there are guys that aren't like this, but there are a lot who are. In my opinion, the guys that are like this are sickos and need help. 

Third, why are people so racist? People joke about it too, but it isn't something that should be joked about. People are offended by it, and others just don't care. It makes me mad when I hear people joking about it, especially about African Americans. I don't know how they can do it. I would never be able to say something that is racist. I just want to know why people say such horrible things. They wouldn't like it if someone said the things they say back to them would they? Probably not. 

Fourth, why are people under the age of 18 allowed to get married?! Kids as young as 12 years old are allowed to get married in some states and other parts of the world. Why? Why would their parents let them get married at such a young age? They are just robbing them of their childhood, and some parents don't even care. 12 years old is just too young to get married. They're not even a teenager yet, and they've barely hit puberty. I just don't know how parents can allow that. 

Fifth, why does everyone judge each other based on a number? GPA, grades, weight, age; they're all just a number. So why should we let them define who we are? I think that a number shouldn't automatically put us in a certain group. It should be based on who we actually are; like our personality. Our personality should be what we are judged on. But, in reality, we shouldn't be judged on anything. But, unfortunately, that will probably never happen in our society. It really is sad what people and our society has become. 

Sixth, why are there teachers that expect us to know what we're doing on pre-tests? They're freaking pre-tests! PRE-tests. We're not supposed to know what we're doing; that's why we get them before the lesson. I would understand if it were a post test, but pre-tests? I mean, come on! Do they expect us to have some sort of genius minds? I also hate when teachers give us assignments and don't even go over how to do it. Like, seriously?! How are we supposed to know what we're doing? It's your job to teach, so do it!

Lastly, why the fuck are little kids nowadays so disrespectful? I mean, seriously! I wish people knew how to discipline their kids. I wish they would stop giving them everything they wanted. When I was their age, if I acted like a little brat in public, my parents beat my ass or washed my mouth out with soap when we got home. Nowadays, if kids acted out in public, they still get what they want because their parents are afraid to give them an ass whoopin'. All because it's "frowned upon" and considered "abuse". Like, I'm sorry, but there's two different things. Smacking a child for acting out and actually beating the kid to death. One is just a form of discipline, the other is just plain old abuse. Two completely different things, parents! Next time your child whines and cries in the car because you didn't order them a happy meal, don't reward them by getting them a happy meal at the window. Make them sit in time out, take electronics away, make them do yard work if they're old enough; please, just do something! I don't feel like being disrespected by your child in the future. 

That's just a few of my rants. There's so many more that I have, I just can't think of them all." 

"I remember you going to the principal after!" Emily said with a little laugh. I love her laugh. 

"Yeah, well, the assignment was to rant. So that's exactly what I did." I said. 

"I don't think Mrs. Ansel meant cuss words and all. And I thought I was the bad kid." Emily said. 

"Well you also went to the principal that day." I said. 

"Yeah for punching a kid for making fun of you." Emily said. I smiled and gave her a kiss. 

"Thank you for that by the way." I said. 

"My pleasure." she said and kissed me again. This woman makes my heart melt and makes me fall even more in love with her everyday!


Hey guys! So I don't even know how I came up with this idea. But I hope you like it!

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