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"JJ! I made you a Tinder account!" JJ's newly ex boyfriend told her. JJ looked at him and rolled her eyes. She chuckled a little bit and shook her head.

"We just broke up, and you already made me an account to a website that has numerous sex offenders and criminals on it?" JJ asked him.

"I just want you to find a girlfriend." he said. He hung his head like a sad dog who just got in trouble.

"I will find a girlfriend. Eventually, or maybe I won't. I don't know. But please don't do things like this without my knowledge." JJ told him.

"I'm sorry. I just never had a girlfriend who was actually a lesbian. I got really excited and just wanted you to get a girlfriend." Will told her.

"Okay. How about we go through people together since you're sooo excited." JJ said. Will nodded excitedly, and JJ got out her phone. Will told her the information, and they started.

"She's hot." Will said.

"She's a hoe." JJ said.

"How do you know?" Will asked.

"The makeup and the dress that she's wearing." JJ said. She clicked to view her profile, and it said that she was looking for a good time with a wink at the end.
"Do it and tell me how she is." Will said. JJ looked at him with a shocked face and shook her head.

"I am not going to fuck a random girl just to tell you how good she is." JJ told him. She swiped left and moved on to the next girl.

"Ew. No. I have a question. Are you a top or bottom?" Will asked as JJ swiped left.

"I like both." JJ said. "Why don't you choose a girl for me?" JJ asked. She handed Will her phone, and he began to swipe through girls. He wanted JJ to be happy, especially since they've been together since high school.

He finally found a girl that he thinks JJ will like, so he swiped right and gave JJ her phone back. She looked at the girls profile and looked at the age. "She's nine years older than me." JJ said.

"Yes, but age doesn't matter. She's gorgeous, and I think that you will like her. Please just give her a chance? I want you to be happy, and I think she will make you very happy. Plus she's experienced." Will told her. JJ rolled her eyes and chuckled. She decided to message her and see where it goes.

Hey! I'm JJ. I'm not really good at making conversation, but I will try😊

"There. I sent her a message. Happy now?" JJ asked Will.

"Yes. Let me know how it goes." Will said. He had to go, so he said 'goodbye' to JJ and left.

Two weeks later, Emily Prentiss decides to look at her Tinder because she got bored and saw that she had a message. It was a girl that she liked and was actually surprised that she messaged her. Emily read it and smiled.

Hey! That's okay. I'm not either. Truth be told, I'm not used to other people starting the conversation. I'm normally the one starting it.

Emily felt bad for responding so late to JJ's message, but she rarely ever uses Tinder unless she's bored.

My ex boyfriend was always the one starting conversations because I'm always busy.

So you're bisexual?

I'm actually a lesbian. No offense to him, but I just found myself more attracted to girls rather than boys.

I've never had a boyfriend. Or girlfriend now that I think about it. I guess I'm not likable.

What?! You're absolutely gorgeous! How could you not have had a boyfriend or girlfriend?

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