What If

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**TW- mention of depression, ending sobriety, su*cide, and ov*rd*se**

"So you really broke up with him? Like actually broke up with him?" Garcia asked JJ. They were currently at Garcia's house along with Emily and Elle for one of their girl's nights. 

"I did." JJ said. 

"But why? I thought you loved him?" Emily asked. 

"I do love him, but I don't love him enough to want to marry him. Will, he's a great guy and all, but I think I just love him as a friend. I don't want to waste his time with false love when there's a woman out there for him to marry and have children with." JJ explained. 

"Is there someone else that you're in love with?" Elle asked. 

"I do have my eyes on someone, but I don't think they would like me like I like them. Plus I think I just want to be single for awhile before I jump back into the dating pool." JJ said. 

"I guess we can accept that. Elle, how are things with you and Spence?" Garcia asked. 

"Welllll, things are starting to get more serious between us, and also we're going to be parents in about seven months." Elle said. 

"You're pregnant?!" JJ asked excitedly. Elle nodded her head 'yes'. Garcia, Emily, and JJ all screamed and gave Elle a group hug. Elle started to cry because she was happy and emotional. 

"Well I guess instead of wine we can have grape juice in a wine glass and celebrate this exciting news!" Garcia said. She got up from the floor and ran to her kitchen to get their grape juice in wine glasses. 

"So when are you due?" Emily asked Elle. 

"October 12." 

"Girl, you better have this baby on my birthday! We can be birthday twins!" Emily said excitedly. Emily and Elle had started to get to know each other a year ago when Garcia invited Emily to her girl's night. Since then they became best friends. "Ew, oh my god that means you and Reid had sex around the same time my parents did. That's a gross thought. Not you guys. My parents have sex. Ew!" Emily said, almost throwing up at the thought. 

"Oh my gosh Emily!" Elle said, dying of laughter. 

"Well, Emmy cat, if your parents never had sex, then we wouldn't have gotten you. You wouldn't be sitting here today with us, and we wouldn't know how truly great of a gift you are to us all. You're an amazing person, and I think that your parents raised a great woman." JJ said, causing Emily to smile and blush a little bit. 

"What she said!" Garcia said. They all gave Emily a hug before deciding to watch a scary movie. It was Elle's turn to choose the movie, but she did it for a purpose. She needed to get Emily and JJ together. Now that Will was out of the picture, it would be much easier to do. Or so she thought. 

~Two months later~

It's been two months since their girl's night, and Elle still wasn't successful in getting JJ and Emily together. Finally she thought of a plan she thought may work. She ended up getting them tickets to see a UFC fight in Columbus, Ohio. She figured that a almost seven hour drive to and from would help them get closer with each other. "Hey, so Spence and I were going to go to this fight over the weekend, but we can't because something came up with Diana. Would you want to go to this? You could take Emily with you. I know she likes UFC." Elle said. JJ looked at her suspiciously. Elle wasn't lying about Diana. They do need to see her. 

"Spence doesn't like UFC." JJ said. 

"I was going to take him just to see if he likes it better in person." Elle said. 

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