The Floral Arrangement

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~1 year later~

"Hey babe! My friend Clara and I are going to go to the bar. Want to come with us?" Emily asked JJ.

"Sure! Let me just finish up this arrangement, and then we can go. Wait, who's Clara?" JJ said.

"We go way back. We went to the police academy together and even worked at the same department before I decided to go to law school. While she was in the academy for the FBI, we dated for awhile before getting married. We got a divorce after two years due to our jobs. It was a mutual decision, but we still remain friends." Emily said.

"Do you still love her?" JJ asked, now self-conscious.

"She was my first wife, so a part of me will always love her. But I just love her as a friend and nothing more." Emily answered.

"So why did you choose me? I mean, you go from a hot shot fed to a florist?" JJ asked.

"What? Babe, I chose you because of your personality. You're absolutely gorgeous, you have a great personality, you're extremely kind. I mean, what more could I want?" Emily said.

"I'm sorry. I just..." JJ said, trailing off.

"Are you self-conscious right now?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, a little. I mean, can you blame me? She's a fed, she's a someone. I'm just a nobody florist." JJ said sadly.

"Baby, you're an amazing florist. She may be a fed, but she doesn't have my heart like you do." Emily said. JJ smiled and blushed.

"I love you." JJ said.

"I love you, too." Emily said and kissed JJ. JJ finished up the arrangement before they left and went to the bar. Clara was already there and waved at Emily and JJ. Emily waved back and walked towards her, but JJ wasn't moving with her.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked.

"You never told me she was stunning! I'll look like a homeless person next to her." JJ said.

"No you won't. Let's go." Emily said and brought JJ over to Clara.

"Hey! How have you been?" Clara asked, smiling and giving Emily a hug. JJ got jealous but tried to hide it.

"Hey! I've been good! You?" Emily asked with a smile.

"Just out there catching the bad guys." Clara said.

"Well, Clara, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend JJ. JJ, this is my friend Clara Seger." Emily said, introducing them.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you. Emily talks a lot about you. You're so beautiful, by the way." Clara said.

"You are too! And it's great to meet you." JJ said.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I could go for some drinks." Clara said. Emily and JJ agreed, so they ordered some shots. Clara and JJ were getting along very well, and now it was Emily getting jealous but also happy they were getting along.

"I'm going to use the bathroom really fast." Emily said and left.

"So you're a florist, right?" Clara asked.

"Uh, I am." JJ said looking down at the ground.

"That's so cool! I think it would be great arranging flowers. Until allergies act up, but it'd be worth it." Clara said.

"Really? Because I think it would be cool to be an FBI agent." JJ said.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily say cool. But the things I see everyday, the cases we have. It's not something I would wish anyone to see. And the shows glorify it so much that a lot of the cadets wash out after the first week. And if they do make it, most develop mental health disorders." Clara said.

"Wow. Well I still think it's awesome you're an agent. I'm sure there are things unimaginable that you have to see." JJ said.

"Yeah. Well, hey, I have a friend who wants to propose and needs a bouquet for the proposal. Do you think you could help?" Clara asked.

"Of course! Those are my favorite to make. Do you know the colors they want or what kind of flowers they want?" JJ asked.

"I'm not sure. How about you make your favorite one for the occasion. I'm sure my friend will love it." Clara said.

"Okay! Well let's wait for Emily, and then we can go back to my shop, and I will get that together for you." JJ said. Emily returned a short while later, and they paid their tab before going back to the floral shop. JJ began getting to work on the arrangement, picking a few different types of pink and white flowers. It took her about 15 minutes to get everything together and arranged. She wrapped them, tied the wrap, and handed them to Clara.

"These are beautiful! You really are talented with these." Clara said.

"I try. If this doesn't make them say 'yes', then I don't know what will." JJ said.

"Yeah. How much do I owe you?" Clara asked.

"Oh no. It's on the house. I'm kind of a sucker for love." JJ said.

"Are you sure? I mean you came in-"

"I'm sure." JJ said.

"Well, then here's a tip." Clara said, handing JJ $500.

"Clara I can't-"

"You can. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." Clara said.

"Okay then. Hey Em, if you guys want to wait outside, you can. It won't take me long to clean up and close." JJ said.

"Okay. I'll see you outside." Emily said and kissed JJ. JJ took about five minutes before she walked out. She locked the door and turned around. She was then faced with Emily holding the bouquet she just made and battery operated candles on the ground in the shape of a heart.

"Em, what's this?" JJ asked.

"Jayje, we've been together for a year now. I haven't felt this happy in so long. You complete me in every way possible. I'm so happy fate brought us together. You are my soulmate. So, Jennifer Jareau, will you marry me?" Emily asked, kneeling down on the ground. She opened the ring box revealing the most beautiful ring she's ever seen.

"Yes!" JJ answered with happy tears flowing down her face. Emily smiled ear-to-ear and put the ring on JJ's finger. She handed JJ the flower bouquet before standing up and kissing JJ. Clara was recording the whole thing and was so happy for them. The whole proposal was Hallmark worthy. Emily told Clara her plan, and Clara knew it would be perfect and that JJ would say 'yes'.


Hey guys! Thank you to shepherd_fairy for this idea! Let me know what you think! I hope you like it!

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