Christmas Wish

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"Thank you, again for watching Lareina for me. She loves you, so I know she'll be good for you." Elle said to Emily. Lareina is Elle's dog who is almost a year old. She is a Siberian Husky and German Shepard mix with beautiful, icy blue eyes.

"No problem

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"No problem. I always look forward to spending some time with my favorite four legged best friend!" Emily said as she looked down to Lareina and pet her.

"I swear sometimes you love her more than you human best friend." Elle said with a chuckle.

"Maybe I do." Emily said playfully.

"Yeah right," Elle said laughing. "Anyway, I should probably get to the Christmas party." Elle said.

"Good luck! Please don't get too drunk! Also, it's kinda weird it's at five in the evening." Emily said.

"I know. But be glad you're not going. Brad will be there." Elle said.

"The one who likes to pretend to be an FBI agent just to score women to hook up with?" Emily asked.

"Yep, that's the one."

"Gross. Well have fun!" Emily said, and Elle left to go to her work Christmas party. Elle works for a fashion company as a fashion designer, and she also does not like the holiday season for many reasons. One of them being that her grandfather passed away on Christmas day. Each year she tries to get into the holiday spirit, but it never works.

"We are gonna have lots of fun, baby girl!" Emily said. Since Lareina has already eaten, she decided to take her to the dog park. Emily only lived a few blocks away, so she decided to walk there. With it being December, it was cold, and there was snow on the ground. But it was a sunny day, and there was still sunlight until about 6:30. It was 4:45 pm, so Emily still had time.

When Emily and Lareina got to the dog park, Emily let her off the leash and threw her tennis ball. They played fetch for awhile before Lareina lost interest and started playing with another dog. "Emily? Oh my gosh, hey!" Emily heard. She looked to her left and saw her friend and ex-girlfriend Clara Seger.

"Hey! How have you been?" Emily asked as they hugged each other.

"Not too bad. Just got back from a case in Brazil." Clara said.

"Brazil is a beautiful country. Hopefully the case ended with you guys catching the bad guy." Emily said.

"It did, thankfully. Just wish so many people didn't have to lose their life. Anyway, how's Rina treating you? Any better than a year and a half ago?" Clara asked. The last time they saw each other was when they broke up. At that time, Emily's boss Rina, was always rude and never communicated very clearly what she wanted done.

"Still the same, unfortunately. Tonight is the Christmas party, but I decided not to go because Elle needed a sitter for Lareina. So she went, and I get to be free from Rina." Emily said. Emily was Rina's assistant and hated almost every minute of it. However, she was hoping to be promoted to being a designer like Elle.

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