"You're worth it"

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"Emily please tell me that you didn't do it. Please!" JJ begged. Emily, JJ's girlfriend of five years, was being charged with third degree murder.

"I can't because I did. He raped you JJ, multiple times. I had to do something." Emily responded.

"Talking to and maybe punching I can see, but murder? That's a little harsh don't you think?" JJ asked.

"Not for what he did to you. Do you not remember?" Emily asked.

"Of course I do! But Emily, he was already set to go to jail. Remember that part?" JJ asked.

"It wasn't enough." Emily answered JJ's question.

"You can never come back to the FBI, you realize that right?" JJ asked.

"I don't care. As long as I have you, that's all I need. You're worth it even if I am being put behind bars. If I die in here knowing you're safe from that guy, then I will die a happy girl." Emily said.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I can overlook this." JJ said and got up.

"JJ, please! I love you." Emily said as JJ was walking out of the interrogation room. JJ looked at Emily through the window and started crying, knowing how long she would be in prison. 

"Hey. It will be okay." Luke said to JJ as she walked out. JJ hugged him and started sobbing. 

"How will it...be okay.....when....." JJ couldn't finish her sentence because of crying. 

"I know. But you can still see her." Luke told her. "You may not be able to hold her hand or anything, but you at least will still get to hear her voice." 

"You know, you're not very good at cheering people up." JJ said once she was done crying.

"Hey, I'm trying here." Luke said. He walked out as JJ watched Emily be escorted out of the interrogation room. How could Emily do this?

Emily had her trial three days later, and JJ couldn't bring herself to even go. She couldn't watch her girlfriend get sentenced and escorted away. "Hey, how did it go?" JJ asked Luke.

"She was sentenced 10 years." Luke answered.

"That's it?!" JJ asked with disbelief.

"Yeah. It was because she was an FBI agent, and this was her first offense." Luke answered. There was something he was hiding, and JJ could tell because he was avoiding eye contact.

"What aren't you telling me?" JJ asked.

"If she has one mishap while she's in prison, she will be moved to death row and get sentenced to death." Luke said. JJ teared up and walked out. She went back to her house and lost it. She screamed while she threw pillows, pictures of them, and knocked down vases and things like that. Lastly, after she threw a knife at the wall and punched it, she slid down the wall and cried. She brought her knees to chest and hugged them. She heard a knock on her door shortly after she started crying, so she quickly wiped her tears and got up and answered it.

"Are you okay? I heard screaming and thought I should check on you." her neighbor asked.

"Everything's alright Mrs. Baker." JJ answered with a smile.

"Honey have you been crying? What's wrong?" Mrs. Baker asked.

"Just some relationship problems is all." JJ answered.

"Well if you need anything, you can always stop by." Mrs. Baker said. JJ nodded, and Mrs. Baker said bye. JJ shut the door and went to her kitchen. She got out a bottle of vodka and started drinking it. She didn't drink that much because she could only drink so much of it. So she got out a bottle of red wine and drank the entire bottle. She ended up getting really drunk, and when she woke up on her balcony, she wondered what happened. She didn't remember anything. All she remembered was getting home, and that was it. So what did she really do?

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