Say Something

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"Emily, I didn't tell you because I was scared." JJ said with tears streaming down her face.

"You were scared? This entire time, you've liked me as more than friend, but you were too scared? We could've been married, had kids, been living the life that you're living now with Will!" Emily said. She was infuriated, but mostly, she was hurt.

"I've spent nearly every day of my life wishing that it was you that I married instead of Will. I love Will, but he isn't you, Emily." JJ said.

"Are you just confessing your feelings to all of your co-workers? Because Reid told me that you said you loved him when you two were held hostage. I swear if you are-"

"I'm not. Look, I love Reid, but not like that. I love him like a brother. What I told Reid, that was meant for you. I was just too scared to actually say your name. So I just said his," JJ said. Emily stood there, tears starting to cascade down her face. "Please say something."

"Why now? Why decide to tell me now after 14 years?" Emily asked.

"Because Will and I have come to a mutual agreement that things aren't the same between us as they once were. We both aren't seeing eye-to-eye anymore, and we just decided it was best for us and the kids to get a divorce." JJ said.

"So now I'm a rebound? Is that what I am to you?" Emily asked.

"No, of course not. You are who I've been pining for and wishing I had," JJ said. Emily nodded her head and picked up her purse. "Where are you going?" JJ asked.

"Anywhere that you're not." Emily said and walked out the front door of JJ's house.

JJ was lying on the ground with a bullet in her abdomen. She could hardly breathe, and she could feel herself coughing up blood. She looked to her left and saw Luke lying on the ground, bullet in the shoulder. JJ started drifting out of consciousness, and she knew she had to keep herself awake. Luckily though, she could hear footsteps running towards them. "Luke! JJ!" she heard. JJ could recognize that voice from anywhere. She knew it was Emily, and in this situation, that's the only person she wanted to see, but she never came into her line of sight. Instead it was Matt that showed up in her sight. "It's going to be okay. We're going to get you out of here." Matt said.


"Shh, don't talk. Save your energy." Matt said as he put pressure on her bullet wound. JJ groaned in pain, and soon she could hear the sirens of the ambulances.

"Matt, go with JJ to the hospital. I'm going to go with Luke." Emily said.

"E-Em-" JJ said,  reaching her hand out to Emily. Emily, however, ignored her. A paramedic stepped into JJ's line of sight with Emily, and she could no longer see her. The paramedics quickly put JJ onto the backboard before lifting her onto the stretcher. They strap her in and rush her to the ambulance. Matt got in, and they were on their way to the hospital. JJ tried to stay awake on their way, but she physically couldn't anymore.

"A toast to the newly weds, JJ and Will." JJ made eye contact with Emily, and she looked sad, but she put on her best smile. JJ has loved her long enough to know that that isn't a real smile. All throughout the dinner, JJ glanced towards Emily every now and then. She also would catch Emily staring at her every so often. When it was time to dance, JJ tried her best to dance with Emily alone, but that didn't happen. JJ couldn't help but feel jealous when Emily slow danced with Hotch. JJ stared at them, but she didn't want Will to notice. So JJ looked back at Will, but she could feel eyes on her. So she looked in Emily's direction and saw that she was looking at her. They held eye contact for a few seconds before JJ looked away.

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