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"Em, are you going to girls night?" Garcia asked Emily.

"Sorry, I can't. I have lots of work to get done." Emily said apologetically.

"Okay. We will miss you." Garcia said sadly and left Emily's office. What she really wanted to say was 'that's been your excuse the last five times'. Of course, she didn't actually say that.

Emily hadn't been going to girls nights because of what happened the last time she went before Covid.

"I have lots planned for us to do! First we are going to make charcuterie boards, drink lots of wine, then last we are going to play games." Garcia said. Emily, JJ, and Tara were excited, mainly for the wine. They got started on their boards, and after they were all done, Garcia poured the wine into their wine glasses. Usually Emily and JJ would have more than one glass, but this night they only drank one.

After games, Tara, JJ, and Emily left Garcia's house and went their separate ways. Since Tara drank a lot, Emily took her home before going back to her own house. As she was getting ready for bed, she heard her phone ring. She looked to see who was calling her, and it was JJ. "Hey! Everything okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. I just can't sleep. Is it okay if I come over?" JJ asked.

"It's a little late. Plus Will might be worried if he wakes up, and you're not there." Emily said.

"I will write him a note in case I fall asleep at your house, if you don't hate me after. I just need to get something off my chest." JJ said.

"Okay now you're worrying me." Emily said.

"I'll be over in a few." JJ said and hung up. Emily's mind was racing with many possibilities as to what JJ did to make her hate her. As Emily was impatiently waiting for JJ, she began pacing in her living room. Then she heard the front door open, so she knew it was JJ. Emily looked to the front door and saw that JJ had been crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Emily asked, now panicking. She walked up to JJ and gave her the biggest hug. JJ cried on her shoulder, knowing this would most likely be the last time she would ever hug Emily. Emily held JJ until she calmed down.

"Um, I- I need to tell you something." JJ said.

"Jayje, whatever it is, I will help you get through it." Emily said. JJ shook her head 'no'.

"Not with this." JJ said.

"Okay, now you're scaring me." Emily said.

"I, um, I, I..." JJ didn't know how to say it, so she looked into Emily's eyes before kissing her. Kissing Emily was a lot better than she imagined. Emily started kissing back until she came back to reality that she was kissing a married woman, so she pulled away.

"JJ, we can't- you're married." Emily said.

"Just let it happen." JJ whispered before kissing Emily again. This time, Emily didn't hold back. She kissed JJ with so much passion and lust. It was making JJ's head spin. She's never had anyone kiss her like this before. Before they knew it, they were heading to Emily's room. They spent two hours having sex and making love to each other before they were exhausted. JJ fell asleep with the biggest smile of her face while Emily couldn't fall asleep. Sure, it was a dream come true. But, JJ was married, and Will didn't deserve to be cheated on. Emily felt guilty for giving in to her own desires.

A week later, Emily was trying her best to not make things awkward between her and JJ, but it wasn't working. She had JJ come over after work because they needed to talk about what happened. Emily heard a knock on her door, so she unlocked it and opened it. "You could've used your key." Emily said.

"I know, but it didn't feel right to. What's up?" JJ said.

"We need to talk about what happened between us." Emily said.

"What's there to talk about?" JJ asked.

"The fact that you're married, and we slept together." Emily said.

"I don't see why we need to talk about it. It happened, we both enjoyed it, we both have feelings for each other. End of story." JJ said.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? You cheated on Will with me. He's a great guy and doesn't deserve that. He-"

"He's not you. I love you, Emily. I always have." JJ said.

"So why did you choose him? Why did you go after him if you loved me? We could've had a life together! Why are you just now telling me?!" Emily asked, beginning to get so angry there's tears forming in her eyes.

"I was scared what others would think of me." JJ admitted.

"But aren't you the one that tells others to not care what anyone else thinks?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, but-"

"You should take your own advice for once. I think you should go." Emily said.

"Em-" Emily gave JJ the look, so she stopped talking and left.

Since that night, Emily and JJ barely spoke to each other, even at work. They glanced at each other maybe four times since that night. Rossi messaged JJ and Emily individually to meet him in his office. JJ gets there first followed by Emily. "What's she doing here?" Emily asked as she saw JJ.

"You two have things to work out. I don't know what they are, but you need to fix whatever it is. It's weird working with you two now, and I would like for things to go back to the way it was. So I'm going to leave, and you're going to talk. If I come back, and it's still the same energy, then I'm going to the director, and he'll figure out what happened." Rossi said and left.

"I don't think it's necessary for us to work things out." Emily said.

"Why not? I miss you, Em." JJ said.

"Yeah? Well you should've thought about that before you cheated on your husband with me." Emily said.

"Why are you acting like I'm the only bad guy here?! Did you forget that you never said anything to stop what was happening?! I'm not the only one in the wrong here. You are too!" JJ said, raising her voice.

"Because you said to!" Emily shouted.

"Still could've said 'no'. You know what? It's fine because Will and I are divorced now. So I guess it doesn't really matter." JJ said.

"What?" Emily asked.

"You heard what I said." JJ said.

"I'm sorry. I had-"

"It's fine. No one knows. But now you do. And you know what? I'm happy that we are divorced because now I finally found myself and can be free of who I thought I had to be. I can be myself, and maybe I will face the rage of my mom. But I don't care because I've been following her rules of dating only men since I was 16. I've never deviated from that because I was scared of what she would think. I was never happy in those relationships, and I never knew why. But when I saw you for the first time in Hotch's office, I realized that I was never happy because I was into women. I thought back to all those times when I thought women at college were stunning and never batted an eye at the guys. I've thought about all those female actresses I thought were stunning, the ones I saw randomly on the street who were beautiful. You were my sexual awakening where everything just made sense in my life. I-"

Emily cut JJ off by kissing her. She didn't feel bad since JJ was divorced. Everything felt right, felt like it was falling into the right place. They stood there and made out with each other until the heard Rossi's door open. "Not what I meant by fixing things, but good for you. Now if things are going to progress, I'd recommend going to Prentiss' office or the hotel right down the road." Rossi said. Emily and JJ both blushed and walked out.


Hey guys! Not my best, but I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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