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"Party at my house tonight! Be there or be square!" Derek shouted to the team. Derek always hosted parties on the weekends that they are guaranteed off. Everyone on the team always tried to go, but sometimes they just aren't able to make it. 

"Are you going to his party? I think this time Will and I are going to go." JJ asked Emily and Garcia. 

"I am this time. I heard one of his friends is going to be there, and I need to meet him. Derek said we would get along very well." Garcia said. 

"I probably won't. He throws great parties, but they're just not really my scene. Plus I'm always off in a corner just awkwardly standing there." Emily said. 

"Aw come on pussycat! Plus, I know Hotch, Beth, and Hotch's brother are going to be there, and I think Sean really likes you. I see the way he looks at you when he's around. You should go for him!" Garcia said. Garcia nor JJ knew her sexuality. She never made it known. So she can't blame her for thinking she was into men. 

"He's cute, but he isn't my type. Trust me, it wouldn't work out. Plus it's not like I'm someone special or someone that's drop dead gorgeous." Emily said. She has been feeling very insecure about herself, and it's all because another agent commented on her weight. 

"Emily! You're-"

"Sorry, I have to go. I hope you guys have fun." Emily said, cutting JJ off. Emily gathered her things and quickly left. Both JJ and Garcia knew that that wasn't like her and instantly knew something was off. As Emily was waiting for the elevator, the agent who commented on her weight walked up beside her. 

"Listen, I know this really great personal trainer that I think could help you lose some weight. And possibly even gain some muscle. I think you should give him a call." the agent said, handing Emily the trainer's business card. 

"Thanks." Emily mumbled and boarded the elevator as the doors opened. The agent hopped on as well. 

"I'm just worried about you. I've noticed you've gained some weight, and I don't want that slowing you down." he said. Emily held in the tears because she didn't want to seem weak in front of him. She had to act tough. She was glad when the elevator stopped on the first floor. She walked out and walked to her car. She drove to her apartment and plopped down on her couch. The agent's words kept playing through her mind. Was he right? She got up and went to the full length mirror in her room. She took off her pants and shirt and looked at her body. She turned to the side and saw that he was right. She felt that she has gained so much weight, but in reality it doesn't look like she has. When she made this unrealistic realization, she felt even more insecure about how she looked and her body. It made her feel like she just wanted to hide away from everyone and curl up into a ball. She wondered in her mind how she could just let herself go. 

Emily decided to put on oversized clothing and go out into the living room and put on something to watch. She decided on watching a Portuguese series on YouTube called "The Stripper". She had never heard of it, but it intrigued her. The women on the show were gorgeous, Emily found out. But, again, they weren't her type. She wished she had their bodies. Maybe then the agent would stop commenting on her weight. 

When Emily was on episode six, she heard a knock at the door. "Emily open up. I know you're in there." It was JJ. Emily didn't want to see or speak to anyone. She just wanted to be by herself. Emily didn't make a noise. She was hoping JJ went away, but she didn't. "If you don't open this door, I'm going to open it for you." JJ said. Emily didn't think JJ would. But then she started counting off. "1....2....3 okay, I'm coming in." JJ said. Emily could hear JJ's keys jingle, and then she remembered that she had given her a key to her apartment a couple months ago. JJ unlocked the door with her key and opened it. She walked in and saw Emily sitting on the couch in oversized clothing. Emily paused the show and looked at JJ. JJ could see in her eyes that she was sad and was hurting, and it absolutely broke JJ's heart. 

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