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This will contain a slight mature scene near the end. Skip if you don't like those types of scenes!


"JJ, are you going to pay attention to the instructions?" Rosaline, JJ's sister, asked. 

"Ros, I've ridden in a plane before. I know the instructions already." JJ said. She returned to her phone and kept staring at her girlfriend's contact number. 

"You now, you'd be stupid not to say yes. You two have known each other for 10 years and have dated for five." Rosaline told JJ. JJ thought about it and realized she was right. Right before they landed and could still have their phones out, JJ sent a text to her girlfriend saying, "Yes!". After a two and a half hour flight, they get to the airport, but there were police, ambulances, and fire trucks there. "Well this isn't normal." Rosaline said. 

"No, it's not." JJ said. They all got off of the plane, but they were all taken to a tent. 

"Do you know why all of you are here?" someone who looked official asked. They all shook their head 'no'. "You guys left April 17, 2015. It's February 7, 2019." he said. All of the passengers of Flight 180 looked around at each other. The police began to question the passengers, but they weren't allowed to leave until they all have been questioned. They were only halfway through when the people already questioned started getting antsy. 

"Can the people already question go?" JJ asked. 

"No. Not until all of you have been. You have to stay here." an FBI agent said. 

"Actually we don't. I'm NYPD, and as long as you don't have a reason for keeping us, then we're free to go." JJ said. The guy sighed and nodded his head. "Thank you." JJ said and grabbed her coat.

"You could've played that card an hour ago." one of the passengers said to JJ. The ones already questioned walked out of the tent and met up with their families. JJ was excited to see Emily, but she wasn't there. 

"My baby girls." JJ's mom said as she hugged her and Ros. She was crying which made JJ and Rosaline cry. 

"Where's Emily?" JJ asked. 

"Um, how about we go out for lunch?" JJ's mom asked. 

"Why are you changing the subject?" JJ asked. 

"There's something you need to know. Emily, she married Spencer." JJ's mom said. JJ felt her entire world crash and burn. 

"What do you mean?" JJ asked, tears threatening to spill out.

"A year after you guys died, or went missing I guess I should say, Emily gout out of the hole she was in, and then her and Spencer started dating. Two years later they got married. I'm so sorry JJ." her mom said. JJ nodded her head and followed her mom out to her car. 

"What about our cars?" Rosaline asked. 

"They picked them up and put them on the lot to be sold." their mom said. 

"Oh. Well what are we supposed to do?" Rosaline asked. 

"We can go get you both a new car." she answered. JJ and Rosaline nodded, and so that's what they did. JJ didn't waste any time going back to work. Right after she got her car, she went straight to the station. Right when she saw Emily, she could feel her heart shatter all over again. 

"JJ?" Emily asked right as she saw her. "JJ!" Emily said and ran to her and gave her a hug. "I can't believe it's actually you!" Emily said. 

"Um, yeah." JJ said and walked away from Emily. She saw Spencer, and when he looked at her, she avoided eye contact with him. 

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