Fall In Love

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I heard this song literally today, so I had to do this. I promise it will be my last one shot based on a song! Unless you like these, then I will continue them. Read on!

"Hotch, I-I can't do this! It should be you that goes to Paris. Not me." JJ told her old boss, Hotch. 

"JJ, the team can't know. If I'm gone for X amount of days, then they will know something is up. You know me, I never take time off unless I'm sick or Jack is." Hotch explained to her. 

"This is just so messed up. What do we even tell them?" JJ asked. 

"We just tell them that she didn't make it while on the operating table." Hotch said. 

"I don't even know if I can do that. How do we even know this will work? What if Ian secretly follows her and actually kills her? She won't have any back up!" JJ said, tears forming in her eyes at just the thought. 

"That's why she will have different aliases. None of which we will know." Hotch said. 

"So we can't even talk to her?" JJ asked. 

"Well, I'm sure there are ways, but definitely not over the phone or text or any of that sort." Hotch told her. 

"So really I'm losing my best friend too, except I know she isn't actually dead. Got it." JJ said, turning around and walking to Emily's room before she faced the team. When she walked in, she gave Emily a sad smile. Emily looked like, well, like she had just gotten stabbed in the abdomen with a wooden stake. But right as she saw JJ, she perked up real quick. 

"Hey Jayje." she said quietly with a smile. 

"Hey Emmy. How are you feeling?" JJ asked, mentally cursing at herself considering Emily was in a hospital bed. 

"Oh, you know, aside from the fact that there is a hole in my abdomen from being stabbed by a wooden stake and also an unwanted four leaf clover brand on my chest, just peachy." Emily said with a smile and a little sarcasm. 

"I'm sorry. It's just a natural question to ask I guess. But you must be feeling a little better since you're being sarcastic and smiling a little bit." JJ said. 

"Well, the smile is just because you're here to brighten my day and be my ray of sunshine in the darkness I have been in. Sarcasm is just because." Emily said. Emily calling JJ her ray of sunshine melted JJ's heart. JJ grabbed Emily's hand and started tearing up. 

"I'm really going to miss you. It's going to be really hard to not be in contact with you, not knowing where you are or if you're even safe from Ian." JJ said, letting a few tears fall. 

"I know, but I know the team will find him in no time. I'm going to miss you guys so much." Emily said. They held onto each other's hand for a little while longer before JJ decided it was time to tell the team. She hesitated walking into the waiting. She didn't want the next events to come true because then it means she has to say goodbye to her best friend. But she took a deep breath and walked in, tears still in her eyes. 

"No." Garcia whispered, tearing up. 

"She never made it off the table." JJ said, letting out a tear. Spencer got up from his seat and started to walk out, but JJ stopped him. "Spence." 

"I never got to say goodbye." he said before walking away. JJ made eye contact with Hotch, him telling her to meet him in the hallway. JJ followed him and allowed for the door to close. 

"I'm gonna miss Emily." JJ said. 

"Me too. Are you ready to get on the plane?" he asked her. 

"I guess." JJ said. Hotch handed her the manila folder that had everything Emily needed. JJ left the hospital immediately and went home to pack an actual bag. She had no idea where the plane was taking them. She just knew it was out of the country. 

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