Stay With Me

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"There's been an emergency involving Emily?" JJ was told. Her heart dropped as she listened to that one sentence. She rushed over to the phone and asked who it was. 

"It's Hotch. JJ, Emily is in trouble. We need you here to help us." Hotch said. 

"I'm on my way." JJ said and hung up. She informed her boss and booked the next flight to Washington D.C. since she was overseas. JJ was so worried about what was happening to Emily. Nobody knew this, but JJ had always liked Emily as more than a friend. She decided that since Emily didn't show interest that she would take her chance with Will. Now they have a child together, and she doesn't want to leave him for Henry's sake. She feels bad because she likes Emily so much more than Will. 

JJ got to the airport, and she impatiently waited to go through security. She just wanted to get to D.C. and find out what was wrong with Emily. "Next." the guard said. JJ set her carry on bag on the table and walked through the metal detector. Once she was clear, she walked over to the screen and saw that her flight was boarding, so she fast walked to the terminal and boarded the plane. Once it took off, she took out her phone when she was allowed to and listened to Emily's favorite songs. It was her way of being with her. After 14 hours of flying, she walked off to get her bags. Once she claimed them, she basically ran to a taxi and told them to go to the FBI base. She was bouncing her leg the entire time she was in the car. Once she arrived, she paid the taxi driver and got her bags out from the trunk. After she got them out, she ran inside and got a visitor's pass and went up to the sixth level. She walked into the conference room, and the entire team turned around. 

"Let's get to work." she said. They began discussing the case even though JJ had no idea what had happened to Emily. She figured out that Ian Doyle had kidnapped her, and that alone made JJ even more worried. She didn't know what he was doing to her, and it killed JJ. The more they talked about the case, the more JJ wanted to find Emily. JJ also wanted to tell her about how she has always liked her as more than a friend because she thought that she deserved to know. She may be almost dead when they find her, but JJ will make sure she knows her feelings towards her. 

Once they figured out where Ian may be hiding her, they all rushed to the warehouse. JJ was on edge and anxious, and she hated feeling like that. She had this bad feeling in her stomach like something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what it was. 

They searched the warehouse, and Derek said he found her. JJ went to his location, and she saw Emily lying on the floor with a wooden stake lodged in her abdomen. JJ just stood there because she was in shock at what she was looking at. She was brought out of her daze when paramedics rushed past her to get to Emily. 

When they put Emily on the stretcher, JJ asked one of the paramedics if she could go with her to the hospital. They guy nodded his head, and so JJ grabbed Emily's hand that was hanging over the edge and ran with them to the ambulance. JJ held onto Emily's hand the entire way to the hospital. "Everything will be alright." JJ reassured Emily. JJ let out a few tears before they got to the hospital. She ran in with them, still holding Emily's hand, but she was eventually told that she couldn't go any further. She waited and waited in the same spot for what felt like hours until the doctor saw her standing there. He walked up to her and told her what was going on. 

"She's in very critical condition, and she did code a couple times, but she made it through. You can see her. She's in room 2A in the ICU." he told her. JJ nodded her head and went up to the ICU. She found Emily's room and walked in. SHe was hooked up to so many machines, but she could at least talk. 

"Hey." Emily barely got out. 

"Hey." JJ said, walking up to her. JJ grabbed Emily's hand and started crying again. 

"Don't cry. I'm still here." Emily said, giving JJ's hand a squeeze. JJ leaned down and gave Emily a gentle hug. That's when JJ started to sob. "It's okay." Emily said, rubbing JJ's back. JJ pulled away from the hug and wiped away the tears. 

"There's something that I need to confess." JJ said. 

"What's that?" Emily asked. 

"I love you, Emily. As more than a friend. I have for a really long time." JJ finally admitted. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Emily asked. 

"Because you didn't really show any interest. So I just decided to date Will." JJ said. 

"Jayje, I've loved you since my second week of being a member of the team. I was just trying to mask my feelings for you because I know there's a rule on dating a team member." Emily said. 

"Well you're really good at masking your feelings." JJ said with a slight chuckle. JJ leaned down again, but this time she kissed Emily; something she's always wanted to do. 

"I love you. Stay with me." Emily said after JJ pulled away from the kiss. Emily carefully scooted over so that way JJ had room. JJ laid down right beside Emily and started to cuddle with her. Emily was soon fast asleep, and JJ almost fell asleep, but right before she fell asleep, the heart monitor flat lined. JJ got up and immediately started crying. 

"Emily! Please don't leave me." JJ said, grabbing onto Emily's hand. Nurses and the doctor rushed in and pushed JJ out of the room. JJ was crying once again, and after about five minutes the doctor walks out. 

"I'm sorry. We did everything that we could." he said. JJ started sobbing and fell to the ground. She didn't know what to do. She finally admitted her feelings to Emily, and then Emily dies? JJ hated it. But she knew that it was life. JJ walked out to the waiting room where everyone was, and they all looked up. 

"No." Garcia whispered. 

"She never made it off the table." JJ said and started crying again. 


Hey guys! So My inspiration for this one is the song that I put with this one shot. I know it doesn't exactly go with the song, but I am making another one that goes with a different song that matches it more! I hope you like it!

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