A Secret Kept (Part 2)

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To my lovely girlfriend, 

After reading this, please hide it or something. I know that this will be hard for you. It will be so hard for me. Just know that I will be thinking about you everyday. Not a day will go by without me thinking about your hair, body, voice, and those gorgeous ocean blue eyes of yours. Never will I ever look at someone other than you. You are the most perfect fish there is in the sea, and no one could ever replace you. I can't wait for you to graduate. I don't know what your plans are, but at least you will be able to visit me. If you end up being a huge soccer star at Penn State, know that I will be cheering you on, and I know that you will do great. You always have, you always will. 

I want to make a little confession to you because I want to be completely honest. When we first started dating, I was scared, but I was also embarrassed. Scared because I know what it will be like if someone found out that we are dating. Embarrassed because instead of dating the perfect boy that my mom always said I would date, I'm dating a girl. But now, now I am proud to call you my girlfriend. Who cares about the perfect boy? I have the perfect girl that no one else can have. We are going to be happy regardless of how far apart we are and how secret we have to be when we are around each other. 

I'm so glad that I have the privilege of calling you mine. I'm so glad that you chose me. I love you Jennifer Jareau. I always will. Never forget that.

Your love <3

To my love,

You have to do the same with yours as well. I know you were scared. Trust me, I was too. It hurts a little that you were embarrassed to be with me, but at least you're being honest, and I love you for that. To tell you the truth, I really only wanted to go with you on that late night walk to the pond because I wanted to experiment with you. I wanted to experiment if I was actually a lesbian or not. Once we kissed, I knew right then and there that I was, and I wasn't ever going to go back to a guy. You stole my virginity that night, and now I have a special bond with you that I will never have with anyone else. I'm so glad that you were the one to take my virginity. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. That night was absolutely amazing, and I will always remember it. 

I know what I want to do after high school. I want to move to London with you so that way we can have our own life. Things may be complicated there as well, but at least no one would know us, or at least me. I don't want to go to Penn State for soccer. Yes, I love soccer, but I love you so much more. I would rather be with you than a bunch of random people by myself. 

I really hope London is treating you well. I can't wait to see you again! I'm so glad that I fell in love with you. I could never forget your beautiful face or soothing voice. I love you so much Emily Prentiss. My love for you can only get stronger. You're my one and only. Not only did you steal my virginity that night, but you also stole the key to my heart. I love you<3

Your lovely girlfriend<3<3

To my lovely girlfriend,

I'm honestly so honored that you would choose me over soccer. No one has ever chose me over anything that they love. Not even video games. But, you aren't like the others. You would never cheat on anyone, and you definitely would never hurt on anyone. I'm honestly so lucky to have you. People like you are rare, and I don't know how luck was on my side, but I sure am thankful. 

London is treating me so well! I really think that you will like it here. At least I hope you like it here. I got a job as a photographer, and I am getting so many new clients! I bought a black cat. I named him Sergio. You would love him; he's such a love. I wish there was some way for me to take pictures and send them to you directly from the camera. Then you could see all of the great spots are. 

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