ch 1

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Under the shadow of the tree was sitting a boy in the bright sun light with a book in his hand preparing for the ongoing weekly tests of his.

He was all alone nobody besides him as his only friends which he had were in college and he was in the last year of school. He was preparing while murmuring the answers to himself and using his hands gesture which somehow helps him to learn better.

Soon the bell rang and he stood up to go back to his class as the lunch was over. He sat at his place and opened his book of science which he quite didn't liked because he had to learn all those elements name and formulas.

As the teacher entered they greeted him and their class started. As the lecture ended the teacher said "So now as the chapter is over and we still have 15 minutes left let's have a quick Q and A session  of the chapter". All the students were dead silent at that time cause they didn't even understood a damn about chapter and their teacher was not less than a devil and if someone can't give the answer of his question they could  either be in detention or loaded with extra work. So everyone was praying for themselves.

" Now let's start with the definitions of all the things we have learnt till now" Teacher said " So give the definition of  force "he asked. A few students were in relief cause they knew it , a few were confused but still everyone raised their hand. Teacher selected a random student "a force is an influence that can change the motion of an object" he said teacher told him to sit and again asked another one and it went on. There were still 5 minutes left for the lecture to end alot of students were praying that it won't be their turn to answer and one of them was our sweet boy who was desperately waiting for those 5 minutes to pass quickly which seemed like eternity to him." Now tell the names of first 50 elements of Mendeleev's periodic table " . And it was at that moment everyone just wanted to disappear cause damn it man who can remember them all maybe some can but not everyone. Everyone was sweating and the piercing gaze of the teacher wasn't helping too. Our boy was trying his best to not get caught but luck wasn't on his side cause " Jungkook please tell the name of first 50 elements ". He stood up with a nervous face and mind blown out and started with what ever he knew which were first few elements of table so he started with " Hydrogen..., helium..., lithium..., beryllium..., boron... " as he was  about to say further which he didn't knew what he was going to say the bell rang indicating the dismissal of the lecture. He took a deep breath of relief and sat down. Further his day was good no Q and A session in any class . After the last bell rang  he started packing his things to get back to his home which he quite didn't wanted to but he had to

So now he was on his way to home. Even though his house was quite far away he still preferred to walk till there instead of having his own vehicle or anything else. Putting his earphone humming to his favorite song he started walking to his home.

This was the first chapter there was nothing that much interesting but still this was all i had to write for first chapter. Meet you all soon in next chapter love you 💜💜💜🙃

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