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They both don't know when they fell asleep and when Jungkook's mom entered the room and looked at them with the biggest smile possible and quietly left the room.

She went downstairs and Mr. Jeon asked her why didn't Jungkook or that girl came. "Hey, don't call her girl". Mrs. jeon said. " Is she a boy is he getting boys dressed as girl to bring them home is he fooling u... " Mrs. jeon cut Mr. jeon in the middle. "No honey she is a girl and by don't call her girl I meant she is going to be our daughter in law in future they are both sleeping, and they both seems close to each other I have seen her at Jungkook's entrance exam". " Oh, is that so I am happy, finally our son is normal, and I really missed my old bunny boy". "I did too dear now there is no problem soo how about having a picnic so we can also get to know her better as it would be easy for her to get close to us right". "Yeah, you're right I will get a holiday today". Mr. jeon said for which Mrs. jeon nodded excitedly.

Jungkook woke up after maybe 15 minutes since his mother came in his room. He got up and saw that Yumi was laying half on bed and her legs were almost dangling from it touching the floor. He sighed and laid her properly in the bed then left to bathroom. He came out after taking a shower. He then woke Yumi up and then told her to get fresh which she grumpily did as she wanted to sleep some more.

After they both were ready, they went downstairs and saw that Jungkook's mother was packing a small bucket while Mr. jeon was talking on the phone. Once his mother saw them, she greeted them and told about the picnic. Yumi said that she has to leave but Mrs. jeon forced her with the sweet talks and made her come with them.

For picnic they went to place with a very pretty natural scenery having mountains lined up. They enjoyed a lot well only Mr. and Mrs. jeon did as Jungkook and Yumi felt very awkward due to the politeness and their love care for them. For Jungkook it was awkward cause he has seen the worst of them and Yumi because she heard everything about it from Jungkook.

After spending almost 2 hours at that place they left from there and Mr. jeon took them to movie and then to shopping for which Mrs. jeon bought various things for Yumi and Jungkook too and later as it was beginning to get evening, they went at a restaurant to have early dinner.

When they reached home Mrs. jeon again requested Yumi to stay for which she looked at Jungkook with a helpless look and Jungkook reciprocated it, but Yumi's one glare and he told his mother that she needed to go as she is having a exam tomorrow and Mrs. jeon finally agreed. She told Jungkook to drop her and Jungkook also thought it was better so he took the car keys and took her to the car while his mother was biding her goodbyes with her and telling her to visit again for which Yumi mumbled a small 'never ever again' at which Jungkook tried his hardest to not laugh he knew how much the girl must be tired as he himself was and having an exam the very next day was doing no better.

"Finally, I thought I would never be able to leave that place" Yumi said. "Well lucky for you, you did, and you should take a nap first before again revising everything ok, I know you are extremely tired, and I am sorry for my parents' behavior I don't know what happened to them suddenly". "You are right oppa something seems fishy she was treating me like I was her daughter in law and she even spended soo much money on me I can't believe it". Jungkook was in a deep thought after hearing Yumi's sentence, and something stuck him. "Oh My God no... no.... no.......". "What happen oppa why are you shouting" Yumi asked scared she thought maybe he was possessed or something. "I... I don't know if it's true or not maybe they are really thinking you as my lover or something otherwise they would never behave like that". Yumi was shocked and she looked at Jungkook and started laughing then started crying. "Hey why are you crying what happened". "I can't believe Oppa she is thinking like that like look at you, you are soo much handsome and good looking and here I am looking like a potato I feel overwhelmed that she thought me as a person who is compatible for you". Jungkook looked at her. "Are you serious they might be thinking of ourselves wedding venue, and you are thinking about this but let me tell you this you are more valuable and precious than you think of yourself as ok so never think low about yourself". "Oppa you are great I am pretty sure that whoever would be your husband will be the luckiest in the world". Jungkook blushed a little and there was silence after that they decided they will see what to do when the situation comes up. He dropped Yumi a few houses away and then saw her getting in her house and left for his house.

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