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As he reached his home he was looking for his mom to tell her about the incident happened today when he was coming back.

As jungkook was walking he bumped to a grandma who was trying to cross the road and the bag in her hand fell down he immediately apologized and helped her to carry her bag and also to cross the road. The grandma gave him a tangerine for helping her and said that even though he bumped on her still he helped her that's such a nice manner and than went away.

He found his mother sitting on the couch watching TV he went to her excitedly and said " Mom you know when I was on my way to home I bumped to a grandma and her bag fell down so I helped her to carry the bag and also to cross the road she gave me a tangerine and also said that I am a well mannered boy " he had a huge smile on his face when he told his mother this but soon it fell down "Where was your focus when you were walking that you bumped on her"she said " You should be focused on the road and from next time there is no need to help anyone or to take anything from anyone now go to your room and change your uniform " She said without looking at him he felt sad cause he wanted his mother to atleast smile at him and say you did good helping her but be careful next time. But all he got was a scolding.
He went to his room changed his clothes then went downstairs to have something cause he was quite hungry. He made some ramyeon for himself as when he asked his mother to make something she told him to have the food she made which he didn't liked at all.

After having his ramyeon he went in his room studied for sometime and than opened his phone to use some social media. When he was scrolling through he got a message from his namjoon hyung which he instantly opened
" Jungkook what are you doing right now are you free? "
" Nothing hyung I am free why what happen? "
" Nothing today our college ended early so thought to meet you and yoongi hyung so are you coming? "
" Yes but where? "
" At my place also I want to introduce some of my new friends to you "
"Ok isn't hobi hyung coming? "
" I am just about to call him "
"Oh ok than meet you at your place hyung"

Jungkook got up from the bed and went downstairs to tell his mom about it. He went in her room and asked if he can go to which in response he got the permission

Soon he reached his hyung's house and rang the bell the door was opened by a very handsome man with broad shoulders and a very pretty smile "Aww you're soo cute like a baby and from now on you are my baby" the handsome boy said jungkook looked Blushingly at him and then went inside when he was given the space he asked "Where is namjoon hyung? " He was a bit shy with new people " I am here bun " Namjoon hyung replied jungkook went to him and hugged him he was happy to meet his hyung after a long time " And yoongi hyung?" Jungkook again asked " Did someone called my name? " Yoongi asked with a gummy smile looking at jungkook and now jungkook ran and hugged yoongi hyung " And what about my Huggies " There stood a ball of sun shine with a pout and jungkook again rushed to him giving him a big hug.
He loved his hyungs cause whenever he needed someone they were always there for him and his hyungs too admired the boy soo much taking him as their own little brother they loved him alot.

They went to the living room and set on the couches with snacks and soft drinks "Ah jungkook let me introduce you to this boy right here he is kim seokjin our senior but we are like best friends" Namjoon said with a very much pretty smile "How can you say that Namjoon how can you forget that I am not only kim seokjin I am world wide handsome kim seokjin" Jin said dramatically and Namjoon sighed "Ok sorry so jungkook this is world wide handsome kim seokjin" Namjoon said "You can also call me jin Or handsome hyung "Jin said jungkook gave a bunny smile at that and said "Ok jin hyung" "Oh my god this smile is soo precious" Jin said wiping his imagined tears now jungkook giggled a little at his antics. "So where are the other two?" Yoongi asked "Oh taehyung can't come as he have to go for some reason and jimin must be on his way" Jin replied
As he finished the sentence the door bell rang and on opening the door there stood jimin huffing a little "Whoa min were you running a race or what why such huffing" Namjoon asked "No hyung i was getting late to reach here and i didn't wanted to lose this precious time with you all so i ran a little on the way" Jimin replied "Yeah yeah didn't wanted to lose this precious time with us" Jin said with a teasing tone he very well knew that jimin likes yoongi so why not take the chance "hyung better watch out cause I think I might spill something" Jimin replied with a smug look jin gave a glare to him than smiled at Namjoon who was looking at them confused but quickly smiled at jin "Welcome jimin how was your day?" Namjoon asked closing the door behind once jimin entered "Nothing hyung the same boring lectures and all those damned up works nothing else "jimin replied and broke into a bashful smile on seeing his crush yoongi he went and sat besides him "How are you hyung?" Jimin asked "Great and you?" Yoongi asked "I am also great"
Jimin replied.
He was about to say something when his eyes fall on a boy sitting in front of him they made an eye contact but soon the boy shyed away "Aww you're cute what's your name" Jimin asked "I am jeon jungkook " Jungkook replied "I am park jimin nice to meet you" Jimin said "Nice to meet you too hyung" Jungkook said jimin was again about to talk further when a boy entered the room and he felt like oh my god how can someone this pretty exist he was admiring the boy when "Hello nice to meet you I am jung hoseok you must be jimin right" Hoseok said with his heart smile and in return jimin could only smile . Their boths hearts were beating crazily and they both liked each other at the first site . But they were not only who felt their heart being out of control there was yoongi also who felt the same for them both and the both also did for each other so basically it is a love triangle .

Hello this was all for chapter 2 hope you will like it and there is going to be yoonminseok pairing cause I can't keep them away and i didn't wanted to add another character as suga or to give hobi hyung to anyone else so bare with it . Love you all 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙆

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