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( Everything was normal for both the main characters just that in jungkook's life his mom was behaving a little different from other days it seemed like she was spying on him or something but he didn't mind it though and also he recently got a slap from his mother he don't know for what but he did got one. )

  Today was the day for final game and everyone was enthusiastic for it. They have practiced a bit before the game and now were ready for it too.

The game again started with  whistle and ended with a whistle too and our boys won the match like they were supposed too and everyone from uni was cheering for them some were even dancing for them too.

"Wah hyung we won " Jungkook said hugging everyone one by one and did the same with tae too who was more happy to get a hug from jungkook than winning the match.

They got in the changing room  and changed their clothes after that went in the auditorium to receive the prizes. Everyone was given a gold medal. And finally the trophy was handed to them and everyone again cheered for them too.

After the small celebration at uni they went to have one of their own as they had decided before. For celebration they were going to Jin's house as they preferred his handmade food more than the outside one.

Jungkook had already told his parents about this his mother didn't said anything but his father allowed him though.

They spent their time chatting and enjoying themselves together and soon it was time for departure and as much as they want to spend the next night together they can't cause jungkook had to leave.

And this time too it was tae who dropped him off but not few blocks away but just in front of his house and left once jungkook ran inside without even saying goodbye. He was confused why was jungkook was looking soo much panicked but didn't question it.

Jungkook went inside and saw his mother sitting on the couch and he was afraid what if his mother saw him with tae. "Who was that boy jungkook?" She asked in sharp voice. "A friend mom as it would have been hard to get a bus or taxi he dropped me here" Jungkook said trying his best to not show his vulnerable self which was shit scared now. "He better stay like that I don't want anything to repeat again understood". Jungkook nodded his head and she left from there.

Jungkook went to his room and went to bed after  changing himself into comfortable clothes.

A few days later:

Jungkook don't know why but he was spending his most of free time with taehyung. And he don't regret it nor is hating it. He finds it quite comforting.

But on the other side his mom is being moody and random like she had again slapped him and even beated him yesterday for he don't know what all she said was 'don't repeat the same shit again' and then left.

Jungkook's body was hurting but not too much and so he was fine for now. But if it continued than it will cause him a great damage. Now she doesn't even call him for food too and so he either had to sleep without food or had to eat leftovers as somedays she would make food early and eat it or too late for jungkook to stay awake after a tiring day. His father was  not at home cause of work.

"Hey ya what are you thinking about" Tae asked once he saw the younger lost in his own world. "Nothing much you tell me what is going on". "Nothing much too just came after meeting my little sister ". Oh yes  the girl Tae was wiping the sweat off was his little cousin sister and when jungkook got to know about that he was completely embarrassed like how can he be so stupid to think of her as his girlfriend and beated himself in his mind alot of times.

They were waiting for hyungs while chit chatting with each other and once hyungs came they were all immersed in a talk about whatever the shit happened during their classes.

After uni they all separated and Tae again dropped jungkook off but this time when he saw jungkook turning to go to his house he noticed that kook was suddenly frozen at the spot and than his eyes went towards the gate where he supposed jungkook's mother was standing looking in their direction.

Jungkook with slow steps started walking towards his house and went inside without even turning once around like he had been doing for a couple of days to bid goodbye to taehyung.

Taehyung just shrugged it and left from there. On the other side jungkook was being beated  brutally by his mother she was cursing at him and jungkook was just pleading her to stop and let him go but she did not and jungkook froze once he saw what his mother was showing him it was him and taehyung facing each other but the angle made it look like they were kissing and for that moment he forget the pain from beating but just was having his eyes on that photo.

He felt numb after having such a beating he slowly got up from the floor and started walking towards his room and once he did he took of his clothes and than took a shower got some ointment to put on his wounds and than took a rest.

He slept till late night and once he woke up he cried in pain soo sooo much pain but he had to cope up with this cause there was nothing else he could do now.

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