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First taehyung started his incident. "It was new year's day and i was walking on the street greeting everyone a happy new year when suddenly a dog started walking behind so i started walking a little bit faster and the dog also increased it's speed as per mine and at a moment I knew that i am being followed by it so i ran for my dear life and looking at me an aunt also ran somehow managing her dress but i was really lucky that the dog didn't got me otherwise I would have became his happy meal". Tae finished and everyone around him was laughing hardly specially jin, hope and jungkook.

That's how everyone told their moments of life some funny some sad but mostly embarrassing.

Now it was quite late maybe past midnight and everyone were still wide awake looking at the sky full of stars while laying down on the mat.

"We should go for camping someday it would be amazing right" Jimin said. "Hmm it would be also I wanna be with you all for all my life. I am really very much happy and feel blessed when I am with you all" Hope said. "Oh my god who is cutting onions my eyes are getting watery" Jin said. "You mean teary" Yoongi said. "No watery and before correcting me look at yourself you are getting teary" Jin replied. "Naah I just got swag in my eyes that's why" Yoongi replied.

Everyone laughed at their bickering and that's how they ended up sleeping together in the bedroom hugging and cuddling each other. Before drifting to sleep they all wished for just one thing that is for them to be always together, cause if they are together they will be the most happiest.


The other day was quite, as everyone were still sleeping but soon they all woke up and headed to do their morning routine instead of one person that is Taehyung.

Everyone were at the dining table to have breakfast and so Jin asked jungkook to wake Taehyung up.

"Taehyung hyung wake up Jin hyung and others are calling for you come on" Jungkook said but tae didn't even moved and so jungkook did what he was told by yoongi. He went closer to his ear and said "yourallGuccistuffhasbeenburnedandyeontanhasbeen kidnapped"

"NO.. yeontan my baby and gucci my baby" Tae woke up and screamed. "Who kidnapped my tan and who dared to burn my gucci stuff" Taehyung asked giving an angry mafia typa look.

Jungkook gulped but then he said "nobody I said this cause I had to wake you up ok so now get up and come down to have breakfast" He said and hurriedly left from there cause he can feel the danger lingering in the air.

After some time tae came down and looked at everyone before speaking "who was the one that gave that idea to jungkook to wake me up" He said in a cold voice. Everyone looked at each other. "I did" Yoongi said. "Hyung do you even know how scared I got I almost had a heart attack " Taehyung whined and than sat at the table. Everyone ignored his whining and started eating.


Right now jungkook was ready and at the door wearing his shoes as he has to go back home and do some cleaning also his uni work too.

"Are you sure kook I mean yoon can drop you off" Jimin said. "Yes hyung i am fine and also I have to get something from the store too so yeah I would be fine now don't worry and meet you at uni tomorrow okay" Jungkook said. Jimin nodded his head and along with others went outside to see jungkook off.

As jungkook was about to step down from the steps a car stopped in front of him and the window rolled down showing a spectacle wearing taehyung.

"Are you going somewhere taehyung?" Jimin asked. "Yeah" Tae replied. "Where?" Jin asked. "To drop jungkook off" Tae said. "And who told you to do so? " Jungkook asked. "Well every time i am the one who drops you off so yeah this time too now get in we can also talk while on our way" Tae said.

Jungkook wanted to deny but others also told jungkook to let taehyung drop him so he had no other option but to sit down and go.

"So, did you enjoyed last night" Tae asked. "Hmm i did" Jungkook replied. "Well how did you met hyungs like I know how you met jimin and jin hyung but others" Tae further asked.

"Hmm, well with Namjoon hyung, I love reading books especially novels so i wanted to read a specific novel which was hard to find but when I searched it on internet I got it but it was not for sale but we can borrow it and so i booked it and when next day i went to get it from owner it was him and yeah we sat for a bit and chit chatted also we shared our experience with novels and yeah we became friends and then here we are also he is really awesome"

"Wow not really surprising but still surprising" Tae said.

"Yeah, so with yoongi hyung I was at a cafe eating when suddenly I heard some noises outside of the cafe so i got out and saw a man was standing with a stick in his hand in front of a cat and was about to hit it when yoongi hyung came and stopped him from doing so and then a quarrel began between them the man was complaining about how the cat was trying to steal his food and yoongi hyung also scolded him telling him he could have given it some food so she won't have tried to steal. But in all this the cat was soo much scared and also was shivering badly so I went to it and got it in my hands. The matter was also settled. Hyung and i took that cat in the nearby vet shop got it cleaned, feeded and then it was given to the vet shop owner who took it but didn't put it on sale. Me and yoongi hyung exchanged number and also since than we have been friends".

"Oh wow I should have been there though I missed such an amazing opportunity" Tae whined.

"And about hope hyung I met him through yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung. Yoongi hyung used to tell me how much he loves hobi hyung but didn't got the guts to tell him".

"Hmm it was such an amazing journey of you three". "What about you hyung how did you met them" Jungkook aksed.

"Well mine was simple jin hyung is my cousin brother and jimin was my school mate and through jin hyung I met Namjoon hyung, hobi hyung and through hobi hyung i met yoongi hyung and ours we know".

Jungkook nodded his head and soon they were at the entrance gate of his house. He got down and went inside after biding bye to tae. He opened the door and closed it behind him but froze when he heard the voice and those words.

"So finally back after slutting around hmm".

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