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As jungkook reached the cafe he entered and saw his hyungs sitting while maybe laughing at jin's one of the joke. Hoseok saw him and waved his hand at him with a bright smile and jungkook also broke in a beautiful smile once he saw his hyungs smiling brightly at him. He went to them and sat. "So jungkook tell us what you want to have?" Jin asked "Um hot choco"he said "Ok" . Then they ordered and started talking about things when jin said "so guys there is something me and joon would love to tell you all" "What is it hyung?" Hobi asked and jin shyly looked at namjoon and namjoon just smiled and said with the biggest smile "we are getting married" there was complete silence until a very loud yell left hobi's mouth and started dancing with excitement everyone looked at there direction and they tried to calm hobi who in return just pouted because they didn't let him finish his dance.
They talked and went to jin's house for lunch after lunch jungkook was back home and saw no one in the house he assumed that maybe his parents went out. So he went to his room after locking the door and layed down. He was getting bored and was about to start a drama on his phone when it rang and it was minseo. He accepted the call with a big smile cause now he will have someone to talk too and he was his best friend so it was even better.

They were talking when suddenly jungkook's phone was snatched from him he with a frown looked at the person and it was his mother, she looked quite angry and asked "Who the hell is this minseo and why are you talking with that stupid smile?" Jungkook took few seconds and was about to say something when  "I told you not to talk with any boy didn't I?" She angrily spat at him and he flinched "Such a disgrace" With that she left jungkook with teary eyes  and he looked down taking deep breath to calm himself down but it was soo hard cause it really hurts when people judge you and questions you without knowing anything and here his own mother was the one who doesn't believe him and is blaming him for what he hasn't done.

Jungkook looked at his phone which his mother had switched off . He took it and then switched it on seeing messages from minseo and his missed calls too he sighed and just messaged him telling that he will be busy for now and everything's alright.

He just sat in his room blankly looking at the wall thinking about everything only if he was not a disgrace and wouldn't have disappointed his parents then only he would have got the love he want. But at the same time it wasn't his fault too he didn't choose to be like this to be interested in same gender to be gay he never did but what can be done now he can't change it he know but he still tried to meet girls and try to think about them in a romantic way but all in vein cause he can't do that even if he is gay he can't even think about a guy in a romantic way cause he doesn't want to have some random relationship but to have a true love and spend his life with him forever and adopt baby with him and live happily ever after with his family.

But now he thinks that's never gonna happen with him and he is gonna end in what situation he doesn't know and also don't want to think of any as he doesn't want to have high hopes so it's better to not assume things and than cry when they doesn't go the way we want.


Jungkook went to school and sat at his desk he was early today that's why minseo was not with him and just blankly staring at the white board . Soon the students were entering the class room and as the bell rang minseo also came running in and was huffing but he once he looked at jungkook's direction he frown "You are here and i was waiting for you at the spot" Minseo said "Oh I didn't see the time when I was coming and waited for you but i was too early so thought you wouldn't come and so i left" Jungkook lied "At least could have messaged me" Minseo said "I told you I thought you wouldn't come and you also could have messaged me" Jk said "Oh that I didn't thought about that" Minseo said with a silly smile .

It was lunch time and jungkook and minseo were having their lunch while talking and laughing. Now jungkook was feeling a quite lot bit better than in the morning and was having a good time with minseo.

Whole day they were together and now it was time to leave and they were both going together when jungkook said "Ah.. Minseo i have to visit a aunt so you can go by yourself " Minseo looked at him than smiled and said "No problem I will leave than and call me when you reach home" Jungkook nodded his head and bid minseo his bye.

Now jungkook walked behind minseo hiding at times to not get spotted by him, actually he lied to minseo about his visit to his aunt because he wanted to avoid any type of trouble with his mother he didn't wanted to get risk of being spotted by his mother or father . So now he was sneakily going on his way to his house.

But what he didn't notice was a girl who was looking intensely at jungkook . Observing him not only that day but from the moment he and minseo became friends.

I PURPLE YOU🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜 🙃💜

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