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  Upon entering the house jungkook was harshly pushed inside and the front door was closed his mother grabbed his arm and asked "what the hell were you doing with that boy I have sent you to school for study purpose not to fool around with boys and do stupid things" Jungkook was confused and scared about what his mom talking so he asked " about talking.. " He was stuttering very badly and mrs jeon grabbed a fistful of his hair yanking him back and said "you don't know what I am talking about? Huh after getting our name and reputation in soil you are asking what I am talking about? " She was gritting her teeth in anger and jungkook was just whimpering in her hold

       " i don.'t kno..w you..'re talkin..g leave me it.... It... H..urts" Jungkook said through pain. "Oh such a bitch for how long are you gonna pretend and not reveal that you have been fucking around instead of studying and that too with a boy?  How could you do that huh I have told you a thousand times to never ever try anything like that but guess what you can't understand with politeness soo.. Now let me show you my real wrath ". With the end of this sentence and even before jungkook could think or say something his mom had slapped him and with a wooden stick she beat the shit out of jungkook.

       He was breathing heavily and also had got deep cuts due to being beated at the same place and for so long his whole body was numb due to the unbearable pain and he was lying almost lifelessly if it wasn't for the occasional groans his mouth left. He felt like his body was being torn apart it was soo much for him and he just fainted in there.
      His mother looked at him with disgust and left not even thinking about getting him to his room .

          After a hour or two jungkook moved a little and groan because of pain in his whole body. He tried a lot to move and sit up but he couldn't , so he took a little more rest and with a final push he managed to sit up and again tried to stand up but he fall down the very next moment , that's when his mother came. "You piece of shit what the hell you still doing here get your disgusting self up and go to your room " His mother said with complete hate and disgust to him. Jungkook again tried but he failed again. His mother got angry and yanked him by his arm and dragged him to his room. Jungkook was in soo much pain but couldn't do anything .

      His mother threw him in his room " Now listen you are not leaving this room from now on , no school nothing you will just stay in this room locked up until you fix your this behavior " She said and slammed the door and locked it.

      Jungkook was on the floor whimpering in pain and he again was unconscious.

   LOVE YOU ALL 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜

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