ch 37

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"Mo-m" Jungkook took a step back when he saw his mom coming towards him he was trembling badly.

"Now I see that everytime we leave this house what you do you bitch, you haven't learned your lesson have you hmm but don't worry this time you will never forget it" With saying that his mother streched her palms and his father gave her his belt and she started whipping jungkook with harsh blows on his body.

Jungkook cried out loud but she didn't stopped until the belt was torn apart jungkook was almost unconscious but his father this time took a broom and with that he beated him jungkook was badly injured but still they didn't let him go jungkook's body had various cuts and bruises blood was oozing out from some of them. They kept on going they didn't care if he died today but suddenly the bell rang and they stopped. Jungkook's father took jungkook behind the sofa to hide him from whoever came at that moment. Mrs. Jeon went to open the door.


After dropping jungkook i was going to my house when suddenly a phone rang but it wasn't mine as the ringtone was different. So i stopped the car and looked around for the phone and found it in between the gap of the seat. I took and saw that jin hyung was calling it. I picked up the call. "Hey jungkook have you reached home?" Jin hyung asked. 'Oh so it's jungkook's phone' i thought. "Um jin hyung it's me tae i think he forgot his phone i will just go and give it to him ok and yes he reached home perfectly fine". "Oh ok than bye". "Bye".

After that i took a u-turn and went towards jungkook's house but cause of the traffic it took some time after reaching there I rang the door bell and the door was opened by maybe his mother.


Taehyung gave a polite smile to Mrs. Jeon and greeted her Mrs. Jeon also did the same keeping her good facade.

"Yes young man what do you want" She asked. "Um actually aunty i am jungkook's friend and i am here to give his phone back to him he forgot it in my car". "Oh ok give it to me i will give it to him" She said with a smile. He also returned that smile and gave her the phone.

He was about to leave but suddenly a noise came from inside and he was about to enter when Mrs. Jeon stopped him. "Ah it must be a cat our neighbor's cat is soo naughty she always causes a mess, ah you must be getting late you should take your leave dear". Taehyung nodded his head and went towards his car and Mrs. Jeon went inside.

When taehyung was getting inside his car which he parked near a wall of a house he heard some voices and curiously he tried to listen to them cause of a name along with the sentence "oh poor kid jungkook i don't think he will survive this time really his parents will definitely kill" a lady's voice said. Taehyung was confused but then another voice said. "Hmm but that faggot deserved it like how can he like males, i am pretty sure that's how he got good marks in exams cause he used his body for that such a disgrace".

Hearing this all taehyung was about to explode he can't believe people can be of such mind set. But his breath almost got caught when he thought about jungkook he hurriedly ran towards his house and started knocking harshly.

Cause of the knocking Mrs. Jeon cursed and said "who the fuck is that, ah you're getting in my nerves" and she opened the door she was about to ask tae about his appearance when he pushed her and went inside he saw Mr. Jeon standing up from behind the sofa and he ran towards it.

He was horrified from the scene in front of him he looked at Mr.Jeon and without thinking twice he gave a hard punch on his face Mrs. Jeon who saw that came towards him to stop him but he stopped her saying "I have never beat a woman before but if you dare to stop me i won't hold myself back".

And so taehyung punched Mr. Jeon until he heard a whimper from behind and went towards jungkook trying to wake him up but jungkook again went unconscious.

Taehyung hurriedly took him in his arms and went towards his car and drove off to the hospital.

On reaching there he called a strecher and laid him down. Jungkook was taken in the ER and tae was sitting outside tears in his eyes he with trembling hands called hyung and told them to come to the hospital.

They all hurriedly came there and when they saw tae in such a state they were afraid to the core for what could have happened.

Tae hugged them and while still being in arms of jin he told them everything and everyone was too much raged to say in words they just wanted to destroy jungkook's parents.

But first they wanted to make sure that jungkook was fine. After about 2 hours doctor came out and told them about jungkook's conditions which contained 'his broken ribs, fracture in his hand, severe injuries in his legs and cuts all over his body he was soo much weak. And also that it will take some days for jungkook to wake up cause of the weakness and the medicines'.

They all went to jungkook and apologized to him for not being there for him and also gave a promise that they will never let his parents to take him back from them.

But taehyung was having another evil plan inside his mind he knew that he won't let jungkook go back to them but he also knew he won't let them live a happy life, happy life is a very far thought he won't even let them have a life.

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