ch 42

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"What was all that about taehyung hyung, why were you behaving like that". "Like what" Tae asked getting inside the hall.

"Like you didn't liked Minseo meeting us at the restaurant". "You are thinking wrong jungkook not only restaurant I wouldn't like to meet him ever again and I would love it if you also don't".

"Why  what is wrong in me meeting him". "Everything like he has a girlfriend and she  might not like you being with him as you also know he gives his all attention to you when you both are together, I don't want you to be a cause of their break up".

Jungkook was baffled to say anything and he also didn't got the chance to say anything as tae went in his room.

Jungkook just shrugged it and went in his room.

TIME SKIP: Three days

Today namjin were coming back and so taekook had went to the airport to pick them up.

They were just waiting for namjin when they heard their name being  called, turning around they saw namjin coming towards them. They both were hugged tightly by jin one by one.

"I missed my babies soo much" Jin said. "We did too hyung, how is grandapa now" Jungkook asked. "He is better than before" Namjoon replied.

"Okay now let's go home today yoongi hyung and hobi hyung made food for us let's go" Taehyung said .

They all sat in the car and soon reached Yoonminseok's house.

They all sat at the table and had their food while talking about the event happened in these past few days.

At evening namjin went home together as Taehyung suggested to let jungkook stay with him  as his stuff was at his place. And so namjin let them be.


It's been few more days and jungkook was still staying with Taehyung cause Taehyung had literally with teary eyes told him indirectly to stay with the words saying 'you know in this big place I live alone there is no one to sit together with to eat food no one to use that room in which you are staying, no one I can go out to have lunch with like we did, no one I can tell to use my study room like I told you to, no one I can watch a movie with like I do with you, no one' and then jungkook had to stop Taehyung from saying anything anymore and he had said that he will stay with him.

So here jungkook is in front of the tv watching news as today Mr. Kim is going to announce Taehyung as the  CEO of jeon company cause tae wanted to and also he had to cause of the set back it faced he had to bring it back up. It was like a test for him to show his abilities and he had accepted it.

Mr. Jeon was in the cafeteria of his office when he also saw the news and once he saw who Mr. Kim's son is his blood ran cold but his heart held rage. Now he understood why he was in such a state cause that damn boy was his son's lover.

And now he wanted nothing but to just kill Taekook.

So he took a half leave and left to search for jungkook. First he went to namjin's house but again there was no reply. So then he went to yoongi's house but again nothing.

Now he didn't knew where to go as he had no idea where Taehyung lives also he knew for sure that he doesn't live with his parents though.

He was going back home but he was thirsty so he pulled in a store to get water.

He went inside but his eyes blown wide when he saw jungkook on the other side of the store and so he took quick steps and was infront of him but when he got near he realized it was not jungkook but a random person having same face structure as jungkook.

He went home and after telling his wife about everything, he called his one of the friend who works in a mobile shop and also is good at finding numbers and that's how Mr jeon got jungkook's number.

Jungkook was in his room doing nothing but he was using social media and maybe or maybe not admiring Taehyung, whose photos were being posted by various people.

Suddenly his phone rang and his phone almost slipped from his hands after seeing the number, how can he forget it, it's his dad's number. But he didn't picked it up and just silenced his phone and put it under his pillow.

Right now he wanted nothing but to just have Taehyung with himself.

He after sometime took his phone out and saw his father was not calling him anymore but there was a message for him. He opened it and started reading it.

'Listen jungkook i know you and your that pathetic of a lover did this all to us but don't think I will let you have a happy life after you ruined our and know one thing that if you want the well being of yourself and that boy then you better get yourself back at home and also cut all the ties with him and your friends otherwise you will regret being alive'

Jungkook took a deep breath after reading it and with shaking hands wrote back.
'I will never come back to you, never just think that you never had a son'

He immediately got a response for that message and that is.
'As you wish now whatever will happen you will be responsible for that all and would only be willing to die and I will make sure of that'.

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