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Jungkook groaned because of sudden flash light on his face he slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light than he saw a man looking at him with sharp eyes and than at the boy besides him

Jungkook was a little bit scared and confused of the person so he asked " Who are you mister? " . The man looked at jungkook again and then said " I am here to take master and may I know why you are here with him on the roadside? "

Jungkook than sat straight and because of this Taehyung woke up . "Hmmmupppmm" Taehyung whined and than opend his eyes and saw a man right in front of him and just screamed with all his might which was muffled by a hand and he looked beside himself and saw a unknown boy and was again screaming but because of the hand his voice came out muffled. " Can you just shut your broken speaker like scream and just sit still. " Jungkook said annoyed.

Taehyung stared at him for few minutes then suddenly jungkook sceamed " Yuk you dirty boy why did you licked my palm " He asked taehyung just shrugged and said " You were suffocating me that's why I did it" . " you are unbelievable " jungkook said ."now now pretty boy first you were trying to kill me and now you are calling me unbelievable taehyung said . " first of all I am not any pretty boy and second of all I was not trying to kill you but I wish I would have done that " jungkook said with a straight face . " woah such a dangerous person you are but i will forgive you as you are pretty my pretty boy " taehyung said with a sweet smile and before jungkook could say anything else he said " lets go ahjussi i am feeling sleepy..." taehyung said lazily " and you pretty boy wanna come with me " he added . " NO" jungkook almost screamed. " we better never meet again I don't think I can control myself next time " ." ohhh from falling in love with me i know i am handsome " taehyung said while running his hand in his hair . " no from murdering you " jungkook replied .

" aish what have i done with you that you are behaving like this with me " taehyung said with pouty lips. " your very presence is the problem , so now do a favour and never meet again " jungkook said . " ofcourse darling see you soon too " taehyung said and made a run towards his car as he very well knew he is gonna get murdered by jungkook. "yaaaah you stop there yo..u." jungkook tried to run for him but as he was sitting he couldn't reach him and he saw him making a kissy face towards him for which jungkook growled at him and saw him going far and getting vanished amongst the morning mist.

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked up the sky then he saw a few youngsters running near the road now he didn't had any other choice then to go back home and pretend like nothing happened and bear with everything his parents had for him .


I PURPLE YOU ALL 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃

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