ch 31

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   Jungkook first got changed immediately so that he can leave for his uni and now he was thinking of a way so that he can get taehyung out of there.

"How about I leave just like I came" Taehyung proposed and  in return got a flying pilow on his back who was standing in front of the mirror setting his hair actually he also got changed here in one of jungkook's clothes as he also was getting late and had an exam to give too.

"Ok listen here I am gonna go down and than see if I can get you out ok soo stay here quietly ok and if you feel someone is coming up than just hide somewhere logical ok". " Ok " .

Jungkook went down stairs and saw his mother was now cleaning the dishes as they had their breakfast leaving jungkook and his dad was watching some news on TV.  He went upstairs again and thought that it was the best time to get taehyung out of the house now as nobody was focused on anything else.

"Hurry up taehyung we gotta leave comon" Jungkook said entering the room and saw taehyung almost jumping out of the room. "What the hell are you doing "." Well you said to hide and you were quite fast so this was the only idea I got to do". Jungkook oh so wanted to throw him from there but controlled himself and just grabbed his hand and came out of his room but almost got an heart attack when he saw his father coming up so he hurriedly pushed taehyung inside and he also got in as his father was busy in his phone.

"What the hell" Taehyung grumbled. Jungkook was looking out carefully to see if his father went in his room and once he did he came out and saw that his mother was also coming up and entered the room too. He went near the room and locked it from outside and than in an instant took taehyung's hand and ran from there to downstairs and literally threw tae out of the house than went upstairs opened the lock of his parents room and than took his bag shouting a bye he left from there.

Once coming outside he saw taehyung  not soo far away in his car looking his way and than waving at him. He looked around and than went towards him. "What do you want". "Well I thought to give you a ride as we both are late soo hope on". "No thank you but I  am good I will take the bus". " Which will arrive after half hour so stop this and hope on I am a good driver ". Jungkook pouted after thinking everything out and than decided to just take the offer but he asked Taehyung to wait for him after some blocks. Taehyung was confused but complied though.

Jungkook walked till the car and than sat in it making sure no one sees him but a special someone does for sure though and also  now is having the photo of him getting in.

Taekook reached uni not too late but not too early either they were almost on time and right now running towards their class.

"What took you long today kook " Bam asked him. "Well got up late today". Bam nodded his head and than again started doing his own thing until the professor came for lecture.

Taehyung also reached on time and sat on his desk while huffing and gave a nod with smile to his friends who were having questioning eyes on him.

For both taekook and others the day went quite pleasantly and they also got to spend time together as the hyungs paper were over  and so here they are spending their time together at a restaurant having delicious food.

Jungkook didn't informed his parents as they were going to leave after some time and also it was not too late as he knew they would just say a straight no to him and he didn't wanted to miss  this meet up.

Taekook were not talking to each other that much well taehyung was trying but jungkook was full on ignoring him and so taehyung also let it go.

It was now time to leave and jungkook was biding goodbyes to them when jimin said "are you sure jungkook you don't want us to drop you like it is nothing big hmm". " Yes hyung i am sure don't worry about me ok i will take a bus".

They were talking when the others came with the cars and stopped it in front of them. "Ok than bye hyungs have a good night". " I swear joonie you made him a spoilt brat now he is not listening to me ". " Jin hyung i will be fine on my own why do you think I have this muscles to play violin in then no to protect myself and others". "Yeah whatever but you are a baby what if someone kidnaps you in the middle of the road".

" Don't worry hyung I will safely drop him to his house ok this is now my duty" Taehyung said coming out from his car. "And who gave you the permission to do that". " Well I don't need permission I will do what I want".  "As if I will let you".

And the very next moment jungkook was on taehyung's back and was made to sit still on the passenger seat. He did the seatbelt and locked the door than going on other side to drive. The others were just looking at that move with admiring eyes somewhere hoping for these  to be together and just smiled bid good bye and left from there.

Jungkook was cursing taehyung all the way  but he was also thankful towards him. He asked taehyung to stop at the same spot he picked him in the morning from and so now he was walking back to home with saying goodbye to tae who didn't left the place until he saw jungkook enter his house and so after that he left but the distance made it hard for him to see the boy slightly opening his house door peeking out and watch the boy looking at the car with a pretty smile and mouthing a 'thank you hyung'.

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