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It's been a week since everything was happening in Jungkook's life he was feeling happy by having his hyungs visit him, his parents were also not being a pain too. Now all he does is rest all day use phone with precautions and read. Right now, too he was doing nothing but watching some dramas. 

On the other side his mother got a call from Jungkook's school "Hello sir what happened?" she asked. "Mrs. Jeon, I called you to let you know that Jungkook is needed to attend his school for him to prepare for exams". Principal said. " But sir we talked about this and that Jungkook won't be able to attend the school and you agreed too". "I know but now Jungkook only have a month and the school has decided to take extra classes for the students and we need each and every student to be present for these lectures they are very important for them to score". "I got it sir, let me know about his schedule". With that the call ended. Mrs. Jeon was waiting for Mr. jeon to come and then let him know about this all. 

At night when Mr. Jeon came home, she told him everything and Mr. Jeon was not pleased with this at all. He said, " I don't want him to go to school he can prepare at home too". " I know honey I also don't want him to go and create another drama but think about it if he won't go then his marks will be less and he won't be able to go to SNU". Hearing this Mr. Jeon thought for a while and eventually agreed for him to let Jungkook go to school. "But I want you to pick him up and drop to his school at perfect time not a minute late nor early". Mr. Jeon said. "Ok". Mrs. Jeon agreed.   

It was now the time of dinner and Jungkook was waiting for his mom to come and give him his food. He sat up once he heard his room being unlocked and soon, he saw his mom coming inside his room and putting the food on the table but this time instead of leaving she turned towards him and said "From tomorrow you are gonna attend school. And I will drop you off and pick you up daily so don't even think about doing anything stupid again i will be having a close eye on you. " She said and left but Jungkook was completely baffled like WTH happened right now his mother just allowed him to attend his school again wow. 

He happily ate his dinner than packed his bag for school. After finishing everything he went to sleep.

Next morning Jungkook was all ready to go back to school. Excitement was bubbling inside him. Soon his door was unlocked, and his mother called him downstairs along with his bag. He went downstairs and saw his father sitting at the table and remembered the day his father had slapped him. He went to the table and sat there his father did not greet him when he did. "You better behave I don't want any more disgrace than we already have" this is all his father said to him before he left for his school along with his mother. 

As he stepped out from the car to enter his school, he took a deep breath and remembered his old days he was missing his school soo much and wanted nothing but to be back at it. He went inside and took his seat. He did not see Minseo in the class and was wondering where did he go. All the students took a look at Jungkook as he was gone for quite a while, and nobody knew where. Soon other students also entered the classroom and finally saw Minseo with his girlfriend but to his surprise he did not even glanced at him and just went pass him. He was hurt by this a little but let it slide.

It was now lunch time and Jungkook was on his way to cafeteria. There he sat down and started eating when suddenly Minseo came towards him and sat across him "Where have you been Jungkook you don't know how much I have missed you and i am not single anymore I am having a girlfriend, hey baby come here meet my best friend Jungkook and Jungkook meet my girlfriend, Suzy." Minseo said. "I was at my grandparents' house and was busy that's why i couldn't come to school and congratulations for your relationship." Jungkook said. After some more talking's Minseo left with his girlfriend and Jungkook had his lunch, after his lunch he went back to the classroom. 

Once the school hours were over, he was ready for his extra study and the teacher was quite impressed by him not lacking at all even after having taken soo many leaves. After the extra classes Jungkook said his goodbye to Minseo and his girlfriend and then went outside where his mother was waiting for him. He went near and sat inside they did not had any conversation the ride was completely silent which was a relief to Jungkook. 

Once they were at home Jungkook went in his room changed his clothes and then waited till dinner was served and did his homework and then went to sleep. 

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