ch 39

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Right now Mr. Jeon was standing in front of Kim Corporation. He wanted to meet Mr. Kim and clear all the misunderstanding.

He went towards the reception to know if Mr. Kim was present or not.

"Oh hello Mr. Jeon how may I help you?" She asked. "Well is Mr. Kim in his office? ". "Yes sir he is". "Well I want to meet him". "Hmm let me ask first sir". She said and called in Mr. Kim's secretary's office and after getting the approval she let Mr. Jeon to go inside.

Mr. Jeon knocked the office door once he was inside. "Hello Mr. Kim". "Hello Jeon take a seat". " Mr. Kim what is this all about how could you do this to me I thought we were partners in business ". "You see Mr. Jeon we made a deal with you but you breached our contract by making products with drugs we gave you material for welfare not for misuse" Mr. Kim said calmly.

"But how could you say that we used drugs. Do you have any proof of it". Mr. Kim brought out a document from his drawer and gave it to Mr. Jeon. " Here it is be thankful that we didn't published it otherwise you very well know what the outcome would have been ".

Mr. Jeon was shocked to see the document and looked at Mr. Kim before saying " They are fake trust me they are fake". "Then prove it Mr. Jeon. Why don't you do a public testing of your products and then let's see the outcomes if what you are saying is right or wrong".

Mr. Jeon had no other option than to do this so he approved for this. " Very well than Soohun go and make this announcement and make sure the media is present and set everything up ok". Soohun nodded his head went to do as he was told to.

Everyone were gathered in the auditorium and everything was ready the testing material were also brought . Soon the testing started and as expected the results were positive. That means Mr. Jeon's products does had drugs in them and so the results caused the investers to take back their investment and now company was going in bankruptcy.

Mr. Jeon was devastated. He was sitting there with his head hung low. Mr. Kim approached him and said "Jeon what is the benefit of regretting now you have lost everything now" With that he left from there.

Upon reaching Jeon company Mr. Jeon was greeted with the view of his shareholders standing there to get there money.

"Mr.Jeon you know why we are here so you better give us our money and settle this matter otherwise we will drag you in the court" one of them said. "I will pay you all your money just keep calm" Saying that he went in his office and started singing check to give to the holders.

After sometime he was done and paid off those shareholders actually he had saved enough money to pay off the debt but he still had some major holders to pay off but not the sufficient money and one of them was Mr. Kim.

He had already got the call from them to pay them off but not by Mr. Kim.

At maybe 6 pm he got call from the Kim and he was told to pay them before tomorrow, but as per his condition he requested them for more time but Mr. Kim didn't wanted to trust him, so Mr. Jeon told him his condition and hearing that got an idea.

"Well Mr. Jeon as per your condition I have a proposal for you and you won't have to worry about anything".
"What is it Mr. Kim". "That is to give your company's ownership to me". "What  are you serious here I am in a critical condition and you are asking for me to give my company to you". "I suggested after analysing your situation Jeon and I will take care of your rest of the debts and everything it is really a great offer for you decide I am giving you time till 9 pm" Saying that Mr. Kim cut the call and looked at his son who was sitting on the couch giving his biggest smile to his father.

"What is this all about son why are you doing this to him it's not like you did something wrong but still what is soo special about him hmm". "Well dad his whole existence is special and dad thank you soo much for doing this much". "Mention not dear but yeah I want you to make those special pancakes of yours for me tomorrow ok". "As you say dad I will".

MR. Jeon was constantly thinking about the proposal and he finally came to a conclusion and with that he called Mr. Kim.

"Hello Mr. Kim I accept your proposal". "Very well Mr Jeon we will do the legal documentation tomorrow at 9 am". Mr. Jeon agreed and then went home.


Exactly at 9 everyone was present in the auditorium like before media, lawyers and both the parties.

Mr. Jeon signed the ownership paper and now like that Jeon company also became a part of Kim's ownership.

And as soon as it did the shares again were sold out quickly and the company was started a new.

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