ch 6

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       Right now jungkook was at his school studying or more like sneakily talking with minseo. It is their  class after lunch. Which is hella boring for them.

  ~ The same time at jeon's house. ~
         Mrs jeon was at home cause she was having a day off today and was chilling in the living room when the door bell rang she went to open the door.
   " Oh mrs lee come in " Mrs jeon greeted upon seeing her neighbor at her doorstep . Mrs lee entered the house with a quite confusing look .
"What happen mrs lee , is everything ok you don't seem like always " Mrs jeon asked with a frown  "Mrs jeon it's just how can i be like always after knowing  shameful rumours about my best friend's son" Mrs lee said "What friend's son and what happen?" Mrs jeon asked .
   "You really don't know anything Mrs jeon what's going on outside and what people are talking about your son?" Mrs lee asked "my son what happen to jungkook and what rumours are going on?" Mrs jeon asked with a confused look . " Oh Mrs jeon i don't know if you know his friend minseo but jungkook and minseo are quite good friends and also they are soo much close with each other and also they are together all the time" Mrs lee said " So what Mrs lee? " Mrs jeon asked.
Mrs lee took a sigh and said " Actually in their school everyone thinks that they are together and are also in a relationship " . Mrs jeon with a stern face said " No Mrs lee it's just a misunderstanding you know nowadays kids become too close with each other it's normal "."I know Mrs jeon but it's not the only thing they say but..." .  " But what Mrs lee " Mrs jeon asked. " Umm..actually Mrs jeon they are saying that the couple is in a sexual  relationship". Mrs jeon with a anger filled voice said " How can you say that Mrs lee have you seen them doing anything inappropriate? " Mrs lee again sighed and said " I know Mrs jeon i also didn't believed it but i have a proof of that " She said opening her phone and show a photo of jungkook kissing minseo.

   Mrs jeon clutched the phone tightly in her hand glaring at the photo . Mrs lee closing the device said " Now Mrs jeon I just come to inform you about this because I thought it's better if you  know what is happening in your absence and also as a friend I don't want to keep you in dark " .  " Thank you Mrs lee for telling me this " Mrs lee nodded and said " Of course Mrs jeon it isn't  blissful to know that your son is attracted to same gender it's such a big disappointment ". "Now I should leave Mrs jeon " Mrs lee said and Mrs jeon  nodded and Mrs lee left with a satisfied smile.
       Of course she will be happy as she had successfully completed her task to get Mrs jeon shamed and fired up . She's always jealous of jungkook as he is a all rounder, perfect in all things and she wanted her daughter to be like him but she can't be like that that's why she thought to bring jungkook down so that she can accomplish her target of them getting down.
     Right now Mrs jeon was on the highest level of anger and she immediately took her keys and got out of the house.

        I was with minseo on my way to home and was thinking about an excuse to use so that we don't have to go together like yesterday and he was talking non stop about how his crush was flirting with him yesterday with a dreaming look.

    "Oh minseo i have to go and buy somethings from the store you can go"  Jungkook said. Minseo looked at jungkook and said "than i will accompany you let's go "."No minseo it is quite far and you will be late to get back home " Jungkook said . "No it's alright mom won't mind if I'll be late I'll inform her" Minseo said . "No minseo you will be late please go home it will take me a while " Jungkook said with a smile . Minseo sighed " Ok " he said cause he knew jungkook won't listen to him cause he is quite stubborn.

   Jungkook was waiting for the best time to come out of his hiding spot and walk the way to his house . He was about to walk when a car suddenly stopped near him and than he was harshly being dragged by the driver which was his mother.
"What happen mom please let my hand go it hurts mom " He pleaded with teary eyes but his mother only tightened her grip on his hand.

  Soon they reached home and on whole drive his mother didn't say a word and jungkook's all the questions were unanswered.


HELLO this is it for this chapter we will meet in next one ok bye bye ~💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜

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