ch 10

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Jungkook was staring at the person for quite a lot of time that he stumbled backwards and fall on his butt (lucky him he didn't fall in the river) he groaned and stood up rubbing his butt. He looked in the direction of the intruder and there under the stand light stood a very megestic boy on whom the light was reflecting like an angel's halo.

He was just staring at him until the trance was broken because of the laughing voice of the boy . " yo....u....o....k" the boy asked in between his laughter. Jungkook just stared at him with a frown and then he huffed " Carefull you might get your lungs out of your mouth by laughing that much " jungkook said with a irritated look he didn't like the intruder and specifically when he was just about to jump.

"Hmmm a sassy princess, aren't are you? " the boy said wiggling his eyebrows. Jungkook's frown grew more deep and with a sigh he said "Listen mister I don't wanna get engaged in any fight with you so you better go back to your way "., The boy looked at jungkook for few minutes making him slightly scared cause damn that boy had sharp features specially with the serious look but not until he gave a very flirty look with a very weird smile " Ohh I know I am very much handsome lovely and you're pretty too but sorry I just can't get engaged with you this soon first we need to know each other you know lovely, like couples" He said while wiggling his eyes.

Jungkook stared at him for few minutes with sharp eyes before completely ignoring him and went back to his previous position. But then he heard the boy's voice " Oh lovely what are you doing up in there is the view that good from there? " He asked and than stood up besides him. Jungkook looked at him and said " Are you really that stupid or just pretending " Boy looked at him and with a smile said " Mmm whatever you want to think but I really have to say it feels quite nice in here".

" By the way what are you doing here all alone lovely you know you could have been in danger" Boy asked. Jungkook looked at him and studied him and he can't help but just say "I want to die " . " Ohh my god I didn't knew that you were this much in love with me i am sorry but please try to understand from my point of view I want some time before we get engaged" The boy said with a high pitched voice and almost busting the ear drums of jungkook.

Jungkook just looked at him and than slowly went down from the edge making the boy do the same and than very slowly neared the boy who was shamlessly blushing and than jungkook was face to face with the boy soon his hands reached out and grabbed his coller and harshly yanked him side to side while yelling " What hell do you think of yourself you stupid angel like hoomen ( human) I swear before dieing you will be my first and last muder i had done apart from all those mosquitos and insects I killed " .

Boy was shocked with this behaviour but jungkook was confused that how the hell is he able to shake this well built man like a piece of paper and when he neared a little more he got that it's because he was damn drunk. The boy was just looking at him until "Oh my how could you do this to me i was just being nice to you I am even ready to give us a chance and you are here scolding me oh my god why didn't you took Mr Bob with yourself before doing this to me " He had a hand on his heart, face at the moon and almost lying on the bridge . Jungkook was just giving him judging looks and than thinking that this boy is hella drunk he should just continue with his plan.

He was about to go when he felt the boy holding his wrist. He turned and instantly his face soften looking at the baby like face of the boy and his whispering voice say " Please don't leave me alone " Jungkook can't stop himself from saying " I won't " and the very next moment the boy fell in deep sleep. Jungkook just stood like that and than looked at his hand which was held by the boy and than at the boy who was now lying on the road.

Jungkook crouched down and put the boys head on his shoulder not knowing why he wants to stay with that boy. He just sat like that for sometime before his body started to ache he moved a little but it only caused the boy to lean on him more and now he can't take it anymore cursing himself for being this soft for the boy.

Suddenly his brain gave him a idea that is to get the boy's phone and call someone to take him. He searched the boy's pockets but he didn't find anything and thought that maybe he left it somewhere. He thought of leaving him there as morning is slowly arriving. But he couldn't bring himself to do so.

So instead of thinking further he got the support of the wall and sat there wrapping his arm around the boy as he was slightly shivering and it was just getting chiller.

Hello darlas this is it for today I hope you all will like this chapter .
Love you all alot 🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜

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