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 Many days went by like his first day at school. His exams were after 2 days but he was not at all worried about them as he was well prepared already. Right now, he was giving finishing touches to his preparations. After some time, he went to sleep. 

His exams started and he was nervously excited for his exams. His hyungs were also supporting him and wished him luck for them. His exams were going on smoothly and he was sure that he nailed each one of them. He and his hyungs had decided to have a small party among themselves for the celebration of kook's exams being over and for him graduating from the school. Jungkook's parents also seemed to be also in good terms with him and he was happy knowing that. And he wishes his parents would allow him to go and meet with his hyungs. 

Finally, Jungkook's exams were over and he was in the car his mother was taking him home like always and he was debating within himself if he should ask for the permission with every ounce of courage he had he asked his mother " Mom can I go and meet hyungs they were asking for me to hang out with them after my exams as I have not met them since a long time". His mother gave him a hard look but contradicting to it she just nodded her head meaning she is allowing him to go.  Jungkook can't express in words how happy he was he just showed his biggest bunny smile to his mother who turned her face away the very second.

After reaching his home he went to his room and hurriedly called his jin Hyung from his phone which his mother gave him back a few days ago "Hyung I got the permission from mom for our meeting, and I will reach there at evening as we planned". "Wah kook I am really excited to meet you and I know everyone will be delighted to know this and now you can finally meet our friend tae" Jin said. "Yeah, finally I can meet him" Jungkook said. "Ok now bye kook I will prepare you different dishes as I am sure you will be all skinny like before" Jin said. "Ok bye Hyung" Jungkook cut the call. 

It was finally evening and Jungkook was all ready to go and meet his hyungs. He went downstairs and saw his mother near the sofa, he went towards her and said, "Mom I will leave now to meet hyungs". His mother looked in his way and said, "I will drive you to them and then I will get you back".  Jungkook looked at her and then just nodded his head it was better than not meeting them. He left his home with his mother and reached his Jin hyungs house. "I will pick you up at 9 finish all your celebrations till then" his mother said and then drove away. He went to his Hyung's door and knocked on it the door opened, and he was engulfed in a bear hug by his dear Hyung. "Jungkook-ah I missed you soo much my baby." JIN said. Jungkook was not able to say anything as he was almost being suffocated but he was loving this suffocation. "Let him come inside Jin then shower him with love ok". Namjoon said. And as Jungkook was inside he was again engulfed in a hug by his Namjoon Hyung and then by his other hyungs too. "Now who was telling me to leave him" jin said. 

 After the heart felt hug, everyone again started doing the work while keeping a constant conversation with Jungkook. Suddenly Jimin's phone rings and he picks it up. " Hello tae where are you how much more it will take for you to come, kook is already here "Jimin asked. "What oh ok but you better be present next time pabo" Jimin said with a stern voice. Jimin turned and said to everyone "Guys tae won't be able to come today he gotta go with his father for some business shit". Everyone groaned at that, but they focused more for Jungkook's joy especially after knowing his mother will pick him up at 9. 

Soon everything was ready, and they had a very tasty dinner and Jungkook was surprised to see soo many dishes which were made by his Hyung, and he was forced to eat more than his will, and more than his stomach can take but he still ate for his hyungs happiness. 

After having their dinner, they played games and talked about everything they wanted to talk about and among all of them kook was the one who talked the most about his school and exams. "I am thinking about doing a job while I am having my vacations, so I won't be needing to ask mom and dad for my requirements" Jungkook said. "Do you think they will allow you to do any job when they didn't even want you to do schooling" Yoongi said. " I don't know Hyung, but I wish they would I will try to convince them as they are being quite good with me". "But....I don't know what to say Jungkook but be careful I don't want to see you in any bad condition otherwise I sure to god I am gonna call police this time even if you like it or not ok" Jimin said. "Yes, Jungkook Chim is right keep constant contact with us and if even for one day you won't contact us, I will be at your doorstep with police" Hope said. Jungkook nodded his head as he knew he cannot win against his Hyung and with their talking they did not understand when time was over and Jungkook had to leave as his mother was waiting for him outside. He waved bye to his hyungs and then left with his mother.

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