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A few days went by and Jungkook's life was also going smoothly. He is soon going to start his college as he was selected due to his amazing performance in the exams. He also did not got to meet to his hyungs because of his work as he was going to work there for only some more days his coworkers wanted to spend time with him. He is also gonna miss them soo much. They had took a promise from Jungkook to meet them whenever he could. 

soon those days were also over and today was his first day in university. He was all ready. He went downstairs and had his breakfast and today his father is gonna drop him to his university. He was excited and nervous too. Excited cause he is gonna meet his hyungs there and nervous cause he doesn't know how everything will be, will he get bullied or if people will like him, etc. thoughts were running inside his bunny head. 

Once he reached the university, he saw his hyungs at the main gate his dad came out of the car and greeted them as he was now happy and assured that his son is normal now. Jungkook bid his dad and went inside the university with his hyungs. They were about to enter the main gate when a voice called them. They turned around and saw a Taehyung running like a bull who saw red cloth on them or near them. "Woh hyung you all forgot me on his first day, I am also a part of this group". Taehyung said with a pout. "We did not forget you, you are always late so we thought that maybe today too you will be late that's why and also Jungkook is new here he needs our guidance I don't want him to get lost or be pranked by some stupid kids". Jin said. "Ok" Tae said still with the same pout. "Well welcome to our university Jungkook hope you have a nice journey" Tae added. "Thank you hyung". 

Soon they all went in and then to the principal's office got Jungkook's schedule and then they showed each and every class he was supposed to have giving him information about all necessary things. Soon it was time for classes everyone left for their classes after cheering for Jungkook. Jungkook also went to his class and sat at the farthest bench. Everyone was new there as it was their first year too and were mingling with each other to get to know each other better. But Jungkook just sat silently he only talked when someone approached him. The teacher entered and did a quick introduction and also assigned benches to the students.

Time was flying quite quickly for Jungkook as he didn't even understood when it was time for lunch. He packed his stuff and stood up to leave when his bench mate Mark said, "Hey would you like to eat with me and my friends they are sitting on second bench I told you their names Bam and Kai". "Thank you for asking but I am going to eat with my hyungs if you want you can join us too". "Uh maybe some other time cause right now we gotta meet Kai's girlfriend ". "Oh, OK bye". "Bye".

Jungkook came out of his class and saw his hyungs near the door. "Were you waiting for me hyungs?" "Of course, we were waiting for you". They left from there and took their lunch, sat down to eat. "Where is Taehyung hyung he is not gonna eat". "Well apparently his class teacher had given his class a project to do so he won't be coming, and I also don't think he will be back home at the end of the university". "Why?" "He is the biggest study freak you would ever see like his personality seems like a playboy, but he is not when it comes to work or study, he forgets everything and focuses only on that stuff he sometimes scares me that he might get too much sick from soo much pressure and work, but he never listens to anyone" Jimin said. "Oh Ok ".

After having lunch, they spended sometime in the garden too and Jungkook told them about his day till now. They again were separated when the bell rang and Jungkook was back in his class. His day went by amazingly and he had a lot of fun with his classmates no one was like a bully or anything they were all friendly. Jungkook loved his first day at university. 

At home Jungkook first got changed and then had food and then he did his work and revision of the topics taught that day and soon after dinner went to sleep after using social media for some time. He was about to fall asleep when he remembered about Taehyung and started thinking that if he was sleeping or doing his project cause as per Jimin he must be working, and he also didn't messaged in the group chat too. He didn't wanted to but he was worried for him and wanted to know about him but he couldn't. Jungkook had Difficulty but at last he slept. 

On the other hand, Taehyung did not fall asleep he did his work till morning and finally he was almost done too and now he had whole 2 days to rest as the project was to be submitted after 3 days. He was always like this he thought about finishing his work in one time and before the time limit rather than doing it slowly or at the last moment so that he could relax while everyone is freaking out. Early at maybe 5 in the morning he was done so he thought about taking a small nap and then wake up when his alarm rings that is at 8 as the university's time was 10. And with this he falls asleep.

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