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"Jungkook what are you doing here weren't you were supposed to be with your grandparents?" Jin hyung asked him . "i knew that something is wrong otherwise jungkook can never behave like this" yoongi said . All the hyungs started to question jungkook about what is happening and why did his parents lied to them about him .

In all this mess jungkook was completely baffled and was still not over the fact that his hyungs have just broke in his room that too this late at night . so he asked the only question which was bugging him since the moment he saw his hyungs in his room "what are you all doing here and how did you get here hyungs ?" "Through the window how else" yoongi said . "through the window ? but wasnt was it locked ?" jungkook asked "no it was not locked" jimin replied.

"now tell us what is happening with you why you seem too much thin then before have you been eating enough are you all right were you sick or what tell me jungkook don't be afraid we are here for you ok" namjoon hyung said

Hearing this jungkook was all teary and soon his tears were pouring down his cheeks his hyungs immediately hugged him comforting him in their embrace . after sometime jungkook was calmed down and he pulled away from the hug .He looked at his hyungs and then said "hyungs i missed you all soo much i am sorry for the trouble you had to face because of me" ."Dont you dare to say anything like that you are our baby brother we will always be there for you" hope said .

"now tell us what happened and please don't hide anything from us now jungkook ok" namjoon said and others agreed with him and then they listened to everything he said about his parents behavior with him and their beatings too. All hyungs were shocked after knowing about all this .They never expected Jungkook's parents to be like this. They behaved politely towards them and they never gave any hint that they could be like this. But they understand that how people can be from inside.

But to Jungkook's surprise they were not shocked after knowing that jungkook is gay for which jungkook asked "aren't you gonna react for me being gay?". They all shooked their heads in denial. "Why would we react it's your choice with whom you wanna be and we are also gay so it's nothing new" namjoon said. "yeah and we had an idea that you were gay but now after knowing everything i would be shocked if you said you were straight" yoongi said. "you're right yoongi" Jin agreed .

"Now what are you gonna do jungkook ?" hope asked . "what can i do hyung than just bearing with everything happening. I can't go against them". Jungkook replied . "But you can't possibly live like this from what i have heard they will never let you be yourself you gotta do something otherwise your life wont be yours at all" Jimin said. "yes Jungkook try to explain them that it is not something they should be ashamed of , we can also be there to support you and ofcourse our parents would also like to help you, you are like a son to them" Jin said . " thank you hyung but i dont want them to hate you all too i have tried but they are just not ready to accept this for them it is just not possible and thats why they told me to not engage with you all that much they thought you will influence me into wrong things" jungkook explained to them.

They all took a deep sigh and yoongi said "jungkook i know it might seem wrong but if they dont stop with their behavior and don't accept you for who you are then just leave them and come with us, me i do have my own apartment and i am capable to pay for all your needs and i am sure my parents wont mind having another son". Hearing this all hyungs also agreed with yoongi after sometime of thinking and jimin further said "not only yoongi you can live with any of us no one will mind anything ok". "yes jungkook" everyone said together .

Jungkook had no words to describe how happy he was hearing this all. "Hyungs you all will make me cry again please stop" Jungkook said. "We are not only saying jungkook you have to promise us that if something like this will happen again you will come with us we dont want you to be with this much toxic people ok" hope said. "ok hyung i promise" Jungkook said. "Good and you should take care of yourself look at you , you look too much thin i want my fluffy bunny back" Jin hyung said . "I am not thin hyung you just saw me after soo many days thats why you are thinking like that" Jungkook said. "yeah whatever" Jin hyung said .

"Now now guys i think we all should go back before those morning joggers go for their jogging" namjoon said. "yeah you're right" Hope said. "Ok than jungkook we will meet you soon and don't worry we will always be there for you" Jin said. "Ok hyung be carefull" Jungkook said.

Jungkook watched his hyungs going out of his room through window and than he went towards it and bid them goodbye. After sometime making sure his hyungs have gone he went to his bed and layed with a content smile on his face he was soo much thankful towards his hyungs for always being there for him and loving him soo much. Soon jungkook went to sleep .

Next day he was woken up by the noise of his door opening and he saw his mom was putting his food on the table and then she went away. Jungkook got up and did his morning routine and then had his breakfast , cleaned up his room and again went to the window sat for sometime and than started studying. At lunch time he had his lunch, then he took a nap after that he again sat at window for sometime and than went to read some books. After having dinner he went to sleep.

I PURPLE YOU 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃

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