ch 47

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Life has never been as peaceful and happy as the couple of years. Both taekook are happy, yoonminseok who are now engaged are happy and namjin who are getting married today are even more happy.

"Ah hyung.. How could you do this to me" Tae whined while being dragged  by yoongi. "Stop whining I ain't your mama, also we have to go and get namjoon ready we are his best men".

"But i was doing a very important work you disturbed me in that". "Yeah staring at jungkook while he was getting jin ready,from which angle was it important". "Don't talk like you weren't looking at Jiminie too". Tae said and yoongi blushed a little.

"Oh finally you guys are here come help me to put his accessories on" Hope said upon seeing Yoontae.

They all were delighted for today. Soon the wedding ceremony started and now was the time to take vows and along with namjoon tae also took his vows while looking at Jungkook who had no idea about it as tae was saying those in his mind and once I do's were exchanged tae also did the same but this time a bit louder and so Jungkook turned towards him and asked with a bashful smile "what?".

"I said I will always be there for you in your worst and the best, in your richer or poorer, in sickness,in sorrow, in happiness, so do you accept me as yours" Tae said and jungkook with out thinking twice said "I do" And with the same words made tae do the same too.


Right now taekook were back home and in the bed after getting changed and showered cuddling.

"So you're leaving tomorrow kook". Tae asked in a sad tone.

"Yeah  but don't be sad it's not the first time i have to leave and also you were the one who supported me to do it even though I was hesitant".

"But that doesn't mean I won't miss you I swear that mosquito will pay for this".  "Aish, don't think about him just relax and also I will be having my concert very soon  that's why it is important for me to prepare nicely".

Tae just hummed and hugged kook tightly.

Well in these couple of years things changed a little, like jungkook who was studying business was persuaded by tae about him following his passion but he just kept going on with what he was doing, until the annual event in the uni when he was forced to sing and luckily a producer was present there and chose him for his company and so here he is our superstar Jeon Jungkook.

And for tae he continued what he was doing but was also a great model but he refused any proposal until one of the proposal was to do a photoshoot along with Jungkook and who was he to refuse it.

But the bummer was kook's CEO who won't let Jungkook out without his guards as jungkook was a precious jewel of his company also he had strictly prohibited jungkook from dating anyone and so when taekook's photoshoot got alot of compliments and also a lot of shipping too, so he refused any offers for their collaboration.

Tae was oh so ready to get that boy in his place but for kook he didn't do anything. But that doesn't mean he will let him pass everytime, so yeah one more thing and than that mosquito will be over.


Today it was jungkook's concert and he was just hyped up and he enjoyed each and every moment he spent with his fans.

Taehyung was also there disguised as he enjoyed his performance.

It was now the time to say bye and it was heartbreaking for kook and his fans but they still managed to say bye with a promise to meet soon.

Taekook didn't got to meet each other but still they talked on call for a long time until tae heard some noises in the background.

Jungkook hurriedly hide his phone trying to cut the call but only the screen was locked and so tae heard everything from his CEO scolding him for him not going for practice but talking on the phone and the strict tone, his choice of words everything made tae's blood boil and he knew he won't let this pass. Nobody dares to talk harshly with jungkook nobody.


Taehyung entered his office with harsh steps hurriedly and once he was in he called his secretary, who not so later entered the office.

"Yes sir". "Saiyom i want you to draft a  contract for B.L Entertainment and in that ask for the ownership of it and than go there and get them signed". Saiyom was confused but he knew better to do as told when his boss seemed very much serious.

So he did as asked but when he was back he didn't knew how he should tell his boss about his meet.

Saiyom knocked on the door and heard a come in. Tae looked up at him and raised an eyebrow when he saw his secretary's face. Before saiyom could say anything taehyung said "he didn't accept it right, well thought so, now do one more thing get the list of all the investors of that company along with their contacts and their share prices too after that call them and purchase all the shares make sure they are enough to get the ownership of the company".

As much as saiyom was confused he still did as asked and soon was back with the documents which contained the list of all the shares purchased by their company and they were more than 55% as the CEO of B.L was quite a greedy person he issued shares more than he should and here tae is with those papers and a smirk on his face.

"Well now time to meet him personally" Tae said and went out with his secretary who have already published this information on their company's website as told by taehyung.

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