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   "What are you doing aunty leave her hand you're hurting her" The boy besides the girl said. "I will do whatever I want with her you keep your filthy hands away from her " Mrs. Jeon said.

(Well I know you know who is 'she' so yeah it's Yumi)

Hearing Mrs. Jeon's words the boy jerked the girl's hand away from her and said in a very possessive tone "aunty just because you're older I am respecting you otherwise I would have broken you're hand for touching my girlfriend like that so i again request you to leave her".

Mrs. Jeon looked at the boy and was ready to slap him after hearing the boy calling Yumi his girlfriend but Yumi caught her hand and said "No aunty what happened to you why are you doing this drama". "Drama? How could you say that. It should be you who should slap him for calling you his girlfriend"." Why would I slap my own boyfriend for saying the truth? " She asked baffled. "What do you mean, you're dating him? You are cheating on jungkook with him. You are dating this boy behind his back don't think that if you didn't told me about you both (jk and her) I wouldn't know about it". Mrs. Jeon said with complete rage and disbelief.

"What are you talking about aunty. I am not  cheating on jungkook oppa and we are not dating he is like a brother to me and he also thinks of me as his sister. It's all your assumptions of me dating him" Yumi said and now Mrs. Jeon was the one who was baffled. "Yo.. You are lying right I saw you both being close to each other and it didn't seemed like you both were talking or acting like a sis-bro duo". " Well it ain't their fault that you have such a narrow thinking that for you two people talking in a friendly manners seems like lovers,I am sorry but we have to leave now aunty bye. Hope you will do much more productive things than making stupid assumptions . Let's go baby" Yumi's boyfriend said and left with her.

Mrs. Jeon was in complete rage and she felt soo much humiliated by the boy's words. She also left from there without buying anything. Now she was thinking about jungkook and the thought of him still being gay struck her and she was ready to make jungkook's life a living hell if he still was.

Jungkook came back home after having a amazing day at college he greeted his mother but her mood seemed bitter. He just shrugged it off  and went to his room. He got changed and thought of doing his work first and he did it soon, than he used his phone for sometime and went downstairs when it was time for dinner as he was surprised his mother didn't called him yet.

Jungkook's father was also back from his work and he was also confused over his wife's behavior. But he shrugged it off too and sat to eat dinner.

After dinner was finished, jungkook was ready to leave for his room but Mrs. Jeon stopped him and said "What is your relationship with Yumi". Both jungkook and Mr. Jeon were confused but Mr. Jeon didn't said anything and waited for Jungkook to continue.

"Well she is like a sister to me Mom". This time  Mr. Jeon looked at Jungkook surprised and asked " What are you talking about Jungkook she is your girlfriend ain't she?" "No dad she is not my girlfriend we are like brother and sister to each other". Before Mr. Jeon can say anything Mrs. Jeon asked "Are you still in that stupid boy liking shit" In a stern tone. Jungkook wanted to say the truth but he can't lose the small happiness he got just a couple of days ago so he lied "No mom i am not I am not interested in boys anymore I don't see them in that way" He said in a small voice.

Mrs. Jeon looked sharply at him but then smiled and said "Good to hear that and as you are not in that gay shit I want you to make a girlfriend soon ok". Jungkook nodded his head and then left for his room.

He layed on his bed with tears flowing down his eyes and soon  fell asleep. Meanwhile one person was reluctant that why Jungkook did not called him nor messaged him and when he tried the phone was off.

That someone was Taehyung. In these couple of days they have started a new thing that is talking to each other  over phone from the day Taehyung first annoyed jungkook and had made him talk to him till now and they would not do anything more than bickering with each other whereas jungkook complains about him disturbing him and then Taehyung constantly flirting with him and provoking him more to keep him up for talking.

But today he didn't got to do that and he was thinking of why was jungkook not calling him not messaging him. He was reflecting all the talks he had with him and was picking out those which might have upset the other.

And that's why Taehyung is attached to the wall with the help of a rope which he had successfully got stuck in jungkook's balcony railing and climbing up to his window. Well you see he is not that much of a patient type he thought something was wrong and wanted to know what that why so he is here.

After a lot of hard word he finally climbed till the window and he was successfully ready to knock it but realized it was already unlocked. So he just welcomed himself inside. "Oh....ahh.....shit..... Umm... ".

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