ch 34

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Jungkook was again woken in the morning cause of the sun light. He very hardly stood up from the bed and then slowly took his steps towards the bathroom.

He had to go to his uni today. So he changed and then packed his bag , he also used makeup to hide his bruises. He went downstairs and saw his mother serving breakfast to his father.

He was hungry but he decided to not ask for it. "Mo.. M I am going to uni" Jungkook said stuttering. She looked at him and didn't said anything but just glared but his father did nodded at him.

He left house and was now waiting for his bus to arrive. Soon it came and he sat in. All the way he couldn't get that imagine away from his mind. He was just silently crying.

Once he reached the uni he patted his face and tried to look good so his hyungs won't worry about him.

"Hey kook come here" Jin said once he saw jungkook coming inside the uni. Jungkook walked to him. Once he was in front of jin he noticed that jungkook's eyes looked puffy and he also seemed a little weak.

"Hey are you alright you don't look good, did you have your breakfast". " I am alright hyung and yes I did had my breakfast. Btw where are others"."oh they are not here yet maybe will come soon". They both waited there for other while chit chatting.

"Hello there little one and hyung" Jimin said greeting them both. "Hello you too jimina". "Hello hyung". "So what were you both talking about? ". "Nothing just about how much lazy you all have become like nobody is on time" Jin said. "Hyung we are not lazy , I am late cause of the traffic" Jimin said.

"Yeah whatever you say"jin said. "Hello everyone" Namjoon said. "Hello jagi but why are you late" Jin asked while both the other boys greeted Namjoon. "Sorry hun got some work to do" Namjoon said and jin nodded. Soon enough everyone was present there and so they went to thier classes.

Time skip:-

Today jungkook's class was taken for a football match in the playground for the students to have some fun. They were all playing and jungkook was the defender. He was trying to get the ball from jack (one of the classmate) when his leg got sprained and he let out a yelp in pain.

"Jungkook, hey are you ok" Jack kneeled down and asked. "I am alright jack I think I got my leg sprained". Other classmates also came and took him to the infirmary as suggested by the teacher.

Mark and Bam were the ones who were taking him there. "You should have tried to avoid it " Bam said. "As if he knew about it" Mark replied. "I know but he should have been careful" Bam said. " Well when next time you get a sprain I will say the same" Mark said. "Guys don't worry it's not that much of a big deal I am alright ok it's just a sprain". Jungkook said. " Yeah just a sprain " Mark and bam said together.

"I SAID I AM ALRIGHT IT'S JUST A SPRAIN IT WILL GET BETTER" and here we go so right now jungkook is trying his best to make his friends and the nurse to understand that he is fine and he doesn't need the nurse to twist his leg to get his sprained leg better and the others are trying to convince him to let them do it.

"We know jungkook but just for assurity that it won't get worse let her do it" Bam said. "No I am fine, my leg is fine and I can also walk now wanna see look". "No jungk". Well jungkook tried to stand up but the sudden strike of pain made him unstable and he almost fell but Mark catched him on time. " I told you jungkook just let her do it, it won't be soo much painful ok" Mark said and jungkook while showing his bambi almost teary eyes shook his head in deniel. And that was enough for Mark and so he was ready to take him home.

"Mark are you crazy don't be silly now and grab him tight so that we can get his leg better ok" Bam asked but Mark just helplessly looked at him and then bam looked at jungkook who showed the same eyes and who was bam to not let jungkook go so he also agreed with Mark.

They were about to get jungkook and leave when "what happened to him"came a sound of a couple of voices. "Hyung" Yes all hyungs of jungkook were there with worried eyes. Well it was Mark who told karm about the incident and so hyungs got to know about jungkook.

"Are you alright " "Does it hurt soo much" "Are you hurt anywhere else" "Is it serious". All of them wanted to say the same but jin beat them in that and asked all those questions.

" Hyung i am alright ok it's not that much of a big deal". "Yeah that's what we are saying kook so come on and get your leg sprain free" Bam said. "I said I don't want it ok i am alright".

"Well from the way you two are conversating i can say that kook don't want his leg to be twisted" Namjoon said and both mark, bam along with the nurse nodded their heads.

"I am sorry kook but i think you should get it done now if you don't want to have pain later on" Jimin said.

"jimin hyung how could you say that i won't and i mean it I won't let her even touch my feet". "Then should I do it for you"yoongi asked.

" No" jungkook replied. They all tried to make him understand but he was adamant so he ignored them.

"ok listen here jungkook we won't do anything but can you please do something I say you to hmm" Taehyung asked. "I will as long as it doesn't have anything to do with my leg". " There is nothing you have to do with your leg ok. Just breath in and out with your eyes closed and repeat after me ok". Jungkook was confused but still he compiled and closed his eyes while others were waiting for taehyung's next move.

"We are so beautiful" Taehyung said and jungkook repeated as he was told so. "We are so tragic, no other magic would ever compare". (i changed the tense of the lyrics so bare with it).

Taehyung kept jungkook busy with the song and very softly took his leg and then in a sudden motion twisted it and so before jungkook could register the act loud sceams were ecohing in the room but not by jungkook instead his hyungs and friends cause the sight was horrific to see and very soon jungkook also screamed and pushed taehyung away when he registered the act happened a few minutes ago.

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