ch 17

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Jungkook reached his house and before he can say anything his father said, "Me and your mom are going for a business trip, so you better behave and not cause any problem ok". Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Dad as you and mom are going can I work to earn for my needs so you won't have to worry nor will be disturbed in your work, and I promise I will not cause any problem at all." His father looks at him and he seems to be thinking then says, "Ok you can work but not for too long and I want all the details about the place you will be working at and also all the possible contacts too understand". Jungkook nodded his head again and then went to his room after biding his goodnight with his parents. Right now, he is searching for a decent job and lucky for him he got it in a cafe not too far away from their house. He applied for it online and he now just had to go and meet the owner. He went to sleep with the wish that he would get the job.

Next day at breakfast he told his parents about the cafe he has applied for, and they did not mind it as long as Jungkook is not engaged in any bad thing. After breakfast Jungkook left with his mother for the cafe as she wanted to see the place by herself. The meeting went well, and his mother also did not have any complain as most of employees were girls and only a few were boys. (Only if she knew). 

They come back home, and his mother started packing her stuff as they will be leaving tomorrow at evening and Jungkook went to his room and told his Jin hyung about his new job. He was happy about Jungkook. Now Jungkook had nothing but holidays, so he started searching for a new drama to watch as he was bored, while searching he came across a BL drama and he was not sure if he should watch it or not but at the end he decided to watch it and he never regretted it cause he loved the pairing the story everything was perfect and also his luck cause he was soo close to being caught by his mother but he was all well. Now he wanted to watch more of that category, and he had decided once his parents are gone, he will for sure start them.

Just with the excitement of having a little bit of freedom the day passed away and new day knocked the door with a new start and excitement. Jungkook was all ready as he was starting his work from today. He went downstairs and saw his father at the chair for breakfast and his mother ready to serve it. He went there and sat down, had his breakfast and after his mother dropped him at the cafe. 

"Welcome to our cafe bunny boy we are happy to have you here let me introduce you to everyone, my name is Ruka, and this is my girlfriend Mina" Ruka said. "Hello there buddy my name is Sam, and this is my boyfriend Jay". "Hi, I am Suchi and my girlfriend Suzy". "And I am Yoshirin and this is my girlfriend Michi". Jungkook was jungshooked after knowing about them and he couldn't believe that these people were soo open about themselves like in a place where loving same gender is like a curse, they are just casually introducing themselves like how? Seeing the look of disbelief, they all started laughing at Jungkook and Jungkook also laughed thinking they were pranking him. " Oh, Hyung and Noona you all caught me in your pranking i swear" Jungkook said. "We are not pranking you it is the truth we laughed cause of the face you made, why do you have a problem of us liking the same gender?" Suzy asked with a raised eyebrow. " I don't have a problem it's just like aren't are you afraid of people knowing about you all, I mean like you know how our society is soo just reacted like that" Jungkook said. "Well little one we don't care about society we just care about our loved ones and luckily our parents don't have a problem with that". Mina said. "Oh OK " Jungkook replied.

"Now now everyone if your greetings are done its time to open the shop" the shop owner said, and everyone started doing their work. "Welcome my dear all the best for your work and if you have any problem let me know" the owner said and then left. 

Jungkook wore his dress and went to the cash counter as he is going to work there. He got all the information about the billing and amounting from the previous counterist. His first day went smoothly and was happy to have such supportive coworkers, they had their lunch together and he also got to taste the brand-new cake they made for new addition. All in all, his day was great.

At the time of going back his father came to pick him up which was quite surprising to him, and his father also asked about how his day went which was even more surprising to Jungkook. After that they did not share anything at all. After reaching home his parents were all ready to leave and they did after some time.

Now Jungkook was all alone, and he was oh so ready to live his life without any restrictions. He went to his room opened his laptop and for the first time without any fear he watched his drama and enjoyed it a lot, he didn't even realized that when he fell asleep. When he woke up in the morning, he got ready for work and had cereals for breakfast and left after locking his door properly.

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