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It was again in the middle of night when Jungkook heard his window being banged softly, he stood up and went to see what was happening there he saw his jin Hyung who was holding the railing for support, and he hurriedly opened the window. His Hyung got in the room and soon a bag was thrown in, which he caught and then others also entered the room. "What are you all doing here again hyungs what if someone saw you " Jungkook asked. "We are here to give you some tasty snacks as we know you must not have gotten anything tasty to eat " jin said. " But Hyung isn't it is dangerous, please hyungs don't get yourself in danger because of me " Jungkook said. " We are not in any danger Jungkook and by chance any situation arises than don't worry Hyung will take care of it" Yoongi said.

"Hyung..." Jungkook whined. "Stop whining and here have this it's your favorites" Jin said. Jungkook ate a lot of snacks, and he really enjoyed it a lot. After that they sat and talked for a while then were ready to go when the morning was nearer. "Oh, Jungkook I forget to give you this" Hobi said giving Jungkook a phone. Jungkook looked at the phone than at his Hyung with questionable eyes. "This is for you to use and call us if anything happens just keep it hidden from your parents" Hope said. "Thank you Hyung" Jungkook said.

Then his hyungs one after one went down and left from there. Jungkook went to his bed and opened the phone which was already having internet and was completely updated. He used it played some games, watched some videos making sure the voice was only audible to him and as it was the time his parents would wake up, he hides it in his closet along with all snacks and wrappers of those.

Like always his mother came gave him his breakfast and then went down. But this time instead of laying or reading Jungkook took out the phone and used some social media where he saw a lot of photos of his school mates and there, he got the information about Minseo being in a relationship with Suzy one of his classmate. Jungkook was happy for him and wanted to congratulate but couldn't. After some time, he put phone again at its place. had some of the snacks his hyungs brought and then cleaned his room and then started to study a bit he was not behind in his studies, so he did not have to worry for his exams which were a month away.

After having his lunch, he took a nap than again he used his phone and had some snacks he was watching some dramas. As dinner time was nearing, he put the phone back at its place. Later like the previous nights his hyungs visited him again.

Thats how Jungkook life was going on.


I was in my class having my head down on the desk as our professor went out for something. I haven't met hyungs properly as they have been in a different mood since few days, they all seem to be lost in thoughts and my soulmate also didn't tell me anything which was heart breaking but he told me it was something they can't tell me without the permission of the one whose matter it was. and I respected that so didn't forced them to tell me either.

But now I was completely bored as Jimin was not with me. So, I started thinking about the boy whom I met that night a few days ago and I have to admit that boy was damn pretty even though I don't remember everything properly but the way he was annoyed by me told enough that I was not in his good books. I don't know why but I wanna meet him again, get to know him ,talk with him , wanna hear his melodious voice ,wanna hold his hand ,wanna..I stopped the minute I realised what I was thinking about I can't say things like that for him, but he was pretty and cute, I was confused about this all things and then a thought struck me what if he is my love at first sight. I sighed and told myself it was just my assumptions it can't probably be true like I know the boy was pretty and all, but he will be a handful he doesn't even have manners to talk to someone. My train of thoughts was stopped when the professor entered the class.

Soon lunch bell rang, so I went to the cafeteria and with my hyungs i had my lunch even though we were in different years, but our college had the same time schedule. After lunch they went to their respective classes and i went to mine. Once it was time for going back i hurriedly packed my stuff and went out of college met with hyungs and then after chit chatting for a bit i left from there.

As i reached home my mom was watching some drama and once, she saw me she stood up and came towards me. " How was your day dear?" she asked. " Not bad but not good either mom", "oh are you hungry tell me, eomma will make you tasty food ". "Everything made by you is tasty eomma ". " Cheesy just like your father huh ". " Of course, why won't he be, he is my son after all ". Dad entered and spoke. " Dad you are back early today?" i asked. " Hmm finished my work early so thought why not spend my time with my lovely family ". He said as he came forward and wrapped his arms around my and moms' shoulders.

" Now go get ready so that we can go out enjoy a little and then we will have dinner outside what say hmm?". "Great" I said and showed him thumps up. After about thirty minutes we were ready and then we head out.

We went to amusement park which mom and me both loved and because we loved dad loved it too. After that we went to a Japanese restaurant and had a delicious meal. we than came back home had a little show night than after saying goodnight we went to our rooms.

I layed in my bed and soon fell asleep as i was quite a lot much tired from all the fun we had at the park.

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