ch 41

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Today jungkook was alone as namjin went out for a little date which was suggested by jungkook.

He was in the living room watching TV when the door bell rang and so he went to open the door but as he was just about to unlock it he remembered jin telling him to always check who is outside before opening the door and so jungkook peep from  the keyhole and once he saw the face he was just terrified.

There stood Mr. Jeon on the other side and so jungkook moved away from there and sat back on the couch in the living room.

His body was almost shaking but he didn't dared to move or make any noise at all.

After ringing the bell for more 6-7 times Mr. Jeon again went back as now one of the neighbor told him that maybe nobody was at home and once he left jungkook took a deep breath.

He stayed at the same place till the door was opened and he saw namjin entering the house he stood up and ran towards them hugging them eventually.

"Hey bun what happened hmm is everything alright" Namjoon asked. "Hy-un-g he came".  "Who bun" Jin asked. "Da-d".

Namjin had their eyes blown wide. "What did he do something to you bun hmm did he hurt you bun tell us". Jungkook shook his head and said "I saw him through peep hole so I didn't opened the door but I was scared how did he knew that I was here". "Don't worry bun he won't be able to get you back we will make sure of that ok" Jin said.

That evening everyone were gathered at namjin's  house and when they told others about today's incident they were all raged towards Mr. Jeon.

They had decided to never let jungkook alone and so that's what happened from that day on. Jungkook was never left alone either namjin were with him or any from yoonminseok or tae.

Time skip:

Today jin was taking jungkook to taehyung's apartment as he and Namjoon are going to see his grandfather who was very much sick right now and yoonminseok were at jimin's parents house as they wanted to meet yoonseok.

So everyone had decided to leave jungkook at taehyung's place.

"Here we are jungkook now you will live here till we return ok, so make sure to not miss us soo much also take care of yourself and call me if anything happens ok" Jin said and jungkook nodded his head.

After dropping jungkook Jin went towards airport and there he will meet Namjoon.

Jungkook was standing in the hall while tae was adjusting something in the guest room.

Once tae was done he called jungkook inside and jungkook was beyond shocked the room was decorated with fairy lights and beautiful crafts he loved the room very much.

"Well this is your room now so feel at ease and yeah if you need anything feel free to tell me Or you can just help yourself ok".

"Hmm thank you hyung for helping me".  "Ah nothing to thank about I just hope you are completely fine". Jungkook gave a smile and than started placing his things properly.

After finishing the setting up jungkook went downstairs and saw tae sitting in the living room doing something in his laptop.

He looked at jungkook and smiled which jungkook also gave back.

"Are you hungry jungkook". "No jin hyung had made me eat soo much before he dropped me off saying that maybe I won't be eating nicely on my own". " Haha that's soo him". Silence fell upon them and nobody knew what to talk about so tae said "would you like to watch something like movie or show or anything". "Ah i think I will just go in my room and study for sometime". "Oh well you can also go in my study room and study there you will also get good reference books too". Jungkook nodded his head so tae stood up and showed him the way.

Jungkook was again amazed by looking at the study room it had selves attached to the wall and many different kinds of books to.

He went in and took one of the book and started reading it while sitting on a chair.

Taehyung looked at jungkook admiringly and then went out closing the door softly.

Jungkook was immersed in reading and taehyung was busy doing his own work.

Soon the morning turned in afternoon and now they both were here in the kitchen thinking about what they should have for lunch.

"Well I don't know what we should be making for lunch so how about we go out and eat something at restaurant" Taehyung said.

"Ok" Jungkook agreed.

So here they are at 'The Moonlight' Restaurant taehyung's favorite.

"Wow hyung this restaurant is soo pretty" Jungkook complimented. "Yeah and this is my favorite too and the food is just damn tasty".

They went inside and a waiter helped them till their seat. Once seated jungkook took a look around the restaurant. Soon another waiter came to take their orders and they gave it.

They were waiting for their food when a voice called jungkook from behind.

"Hey kook long time no see" It was minseo's voice. Jungkook turned around and saw him and his girlfriend.

"Hey minseo it's just I have been busy with some things that's why but how are you and you too suzy". "We have been good just came to have lunch outside and I am glad we did cause of that I got to see you". Both minseo and jungkook were engaged in conversation meanwhile taehyung was burning from jealousy, he didn't like the way minseo was soo close to jungkook and him touching jungkook made him even more jealous.

"Hey how about we have lunch together hmm jungkook" Minseo asked. "would be great". Minseo was about to sit when he noticed that maybe he was being murdered and once he saw behind jungkook he knew from where. He gulped and looked at jungkook asking him "Who is he kook". Jungkook turned and saw taehyung and gave a smile to minseo "This is taehyung hyung, my friend". 'Just friend you could have told him I am your best friend' tae thought.

"Oh hello hyung I am minseo and this is suzy". "I heard that when you both were talking" Taehyung replied with a straight face.

The waiter came to their table with their order and so jungkook again told minseo to join them which they did and minseo was about to sit beside jungkook when tae suddenly pulled the chair making minseo almost fall but taehyung kept his straight face and said "I am sorry but I prefer to sit on this seat, I breath here in a better way" Hearing that jungkook looked at taehyung with raised eyebrow and confusion but tae just kept on glaring at Minseo.

They had a nice lunch if we remove the subtle tries of taehyung to make Minseo uncomfortable and also him almost throwing his cold drink on Minseo. He even went to the extent of bribing the waiter to spoil Minseo's food. And also him very sneakily draining the whole bottle of salt in his cola while he was busy talking with jungkook.

Now they were at the parking saying bye to each other. And taehyung was making sure that Minseo doesn't get to touch jungkook he would just get in between them and will again make  lame excuse but he doesn't care he had decided he won't let Minseo touch jungkook.

So yeah when Minseo was about to hug jungkook he came in between and took the hug and then while hugging he dragged him towards his car and said "you must be getting late Minseo and also your girlfriend wouldn't like the delay you should spend your time with her instead of staying here and wasting it on saying bye ok now bye". He pushed Minseo inside and took jungkook's hand and sat him in passenger seat and buckled his own belt then hurriedly drive off and yes taehyung knew about Minseo having a girlfriend but still his jealousy got the best of him.

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