ch 44

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Jungkook was about to slit his skin when the knife was taken away from his hand and he was pushed back a little.

"What the hell do you think you are doing huh" Taehyung asked with growl in his voice.

Jungkook didn't answered but moved forward to get the knife. But tae again stopped him from doing so and pulled his hand.

"Jungkook what are you doing and why are you doing this tell me damn it". Jungkook looked in Taehyung's eyes and said  "Because that's what I am supposed to do hyung I am just doing what I could have did way before, finishing off this all pain and misery".

"Have you gone mad, you think killing yourself is the key to freedom, no jungkook you will be left in regret, you will regret doing it".

"Why  would I be regretting it hyung you know whenever I am included in someone's life it becomes miserable I am nothing but just a curse upon everyone".

"Then tell me who's life did you ruined tell me". "Everyone's, hyung's life, your life, Mi-nseo's life, I am nothing but just a burden".

"Who told you that you are a burden jungkook, just because you think like that doesn't make it true, you don't know how much everyone admire you, you are like a son to namjin, like a brother to yoonminseok and like a (lover to me but didn't said it) partner to me, about Minseo i don't know him but the way you both talked that day i can say that he is also very much grateful towards you, bun don't think negative ok please".

"I am sorry hyung but I know what the truth is and also I don't want to live myself anymore it's soo much suffocating to fight this battle everyday I feel like even if I have got everything but I also lost everything".

"Jungkook you are feeling this way because you are letting yourself feel this way but trust me we are here for you and we always will be".

Jungkook just looked at his face with tears in his eyes and shook his head. "Hyung if you want to help me then just let me do this I am sure I will forever be grateful to you".

"Jungkook stop saying nonsense and listen I will never let you do anything like this understood".

Taehyung was now getting angry at Jungkook's stubbornness and he almost lost it when he saw jungkook taking the knife again and then leaving the kitchen.

"Jungkook I warn you don't you dare take a step ahead" But jungkook didn't stopped so taehyung went ahead again grabbing his wrist so tight that the knife fell down from his hand.

"Why hyung why, why are you stopping me it's not like I am anything to you we don't even know each other for that long, nor you are my brother, lover or anything then why, why, why" Jungkook said hitting taehyung constantly with his tiny fist.

"THAT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU DAMN IT" Taehyung shouted and jungkook froze in his place he looked up to see a raged taehyung.

Taehyung pulled him close and said "that's because if once something or someone becomes mine, I would even burn the whole world to protect them and you are talking about killing yourself n.e.v.e.r" Tae said in a hushed voice and left from there.

Jungkook still stood there replaying the scene moments ago and he was still shocked. He turned around to look at the door taehyung left from.

He didn't knew what he should do but for sure not about killing himself he just went to the couch and sat on it.

He couldn't help himself but just feel the butterflies in his stomach, the way tae said he loves him and indirectly calling him his, he just felt relief washing over himself.

He knew he loved taehyung but never admitted it but today when tae confessed his feelings jungkook also wanted to do the same but he was afraid that it was all just an illusion of his.

But now thinking about it all is making his heart and body happy. He smiled without even noticing but it all stopped when his phone rang and it was suzy calling him.

"Hello". "Oh hey jungkook you called me earlier I am sorry my phone was off actually me and Minseo have came to meet my parents and network here is quite bad, hello are you there".

"Oh yes I am, so you are at your parents house and where is Minseo". "He is helping dad in barbecue".
"Oh ok"."why you wanna talk with him". "No it's alright, enjoy your stay ok bye".

Jungkook was really really mad right now but at himself how can he be such a fool he let his father trick him manipulate him.

Jungkook was cursing his father for doing this but was also thankful cause of this he got to know about tae's feeling and now he knew that he will not hold back and tell tae about his own feelings too.

Jungkook waited whole night but taehyung didn't come back and now it was morning jungkook had to go uni , so he got ready and then left for uni leaving a note for tae as he was not picking his phone.

Jungkook was walking till the bus stop when a car stopped beside him and he was pushed inside as not many people were there nobody noticed it and jungkook was taken from there.

On the other side taehyung was at home after about 15 minutes and he saw the note which read.
'I will be at uni and also I have made breakfast and put it on the counter heat it and eat it, see you later hyung'.

Taehyung put the note back and blushed a little it felt soo much domestic for his heart.

He knew what he did yesterday and he doesn't regret it not even a little bit, as he had to confess some day so he did it yesterday now he also got ready and then after eating breakfast he also left for uni but when he was about to open the car door he got a call from jimin.

"Hey tae where are you and kook you both aren't going to come today".
"What do you mean jungkook is not there".
"Uh no well we didn't met him today so yeah no but what happened".
"Oh shoot duck". "What" Jimin asked.
"I will call you later jimin just do me a favour send police to Mr. Jeon's house please".

Jimin agreed and being a smartchick he is he also went to jeon household he knew something about jungkook must be happening there and he don't wanna lose the chance to smack that old man.

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