ch 3

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When jungkook reached home there was his mom and dad ready to go out. "Where are you going mom dad?" Jungkook asked "For a business party" His dad replied "Oh ok so when will you be back ?" Jungkook again asked "We will be late so for dinner make something for yourself or order something" His father replied "Oh no need I already ate with hyungs" Jungkook said and said bye to his parents who didn't responded to him. He then went to his room getting changed into his night clothes and after packing his bag pack for school. He then laid down on his bed but he couldn't sleep cause he was a little scared to be alone at home and especially at night it was hard for him to sleep but he somehow slept.

Next day as usual he woke up and did his daily routine then was on his way to school . Once he reached his school he went to his class and sat there as the teacher hasn't arrived yet. After sometime the teacher came took their attendance then proceeded with her lecture. After their pre lunch lectures were over the lunch bell rang.

After their lunch was over jungkook was back to his desk and their science teacher entered with a evil smile which was enough to make the students scared to the core. " So students there's an announcement for everyone that this Friday there will be your test of science with just all the chapters we have studied till now " He said with the same smile. There was a moment of complete silence cause 'the just all the chapter' included almost all chapter and they knew this man very well that he won't let them live in peace "So be well prepared for the test cause I will include all these marks in your finals"he said and proceeded with his lecture. Jungkook was dying internally cause he literally was in great trouble cause he didn't understood even a thing and he can't be weak in the subject too cause his parents would be disappointed in him even though he is quite a sincere and intelligent boy but still everyone have their own weakness he has his too which is science. So he was just thinking about how to do the work and prepare for the test.

On his way home too he was only thinking about his test. He had decided that he still have 2 days till his test. So he decided to practice nicely and prepare for it cause what else can he do.

At home without eating or anything the first thing he did was to sit at his study desk and to start preparing for the test. He was trying his best to understand everything and of not everything than at least a little but nothing happened everything he learnt seemed like was slipping out of his brain. And soon the point came where he just wanted to throw the book but he can't so he again tried and soon he was on the verge of crying cause he literally wasn't getting even a thing in his brain. But he still tried and didn't even had food all day and no one asked the reason too his mother didn't even came to see him and ask what happen.

Next day when he was sitting on his desk he saw a boy sitting at the desk right next to him and unlike all other students who were also preparing for the test he seemed quite calm so out of curiosity he asked him "Aren't you worried about the test?" "Huh oh I am" The boy replied "Then why aren't you studying?" Jungkook again asked "Because it isn't that hard for me i have understood the concepts and am quite good with formulas too so no worries will prepare a day before the test" He replied "Ok" Jungkook said . He sighed and looked at the book in front of him on the desk he still had to prepare alot he pouted at the thought and was about to start his preparation when "Do you need any help? If you do than you can ask me" The boy said with a sweet smile to jungkook who looked at him and then at his book he didn't thought twice before nodding his head constantly he literally needed help and when you are being asked to be helped than why waste the chance.

They both decided to stay some extra hours at the school library for study after school.

After school they were at the library he has informed his mom about his stay at library through school telephone and was currently with his book on the desk. They have decided that they will first read and learn the concept and than the formulas. They have almost invested their three hours in understanding and learning the concept. About which jungkook surprisingly has got the idea about and was sure that atleast he can write about them and now they have decided that it was enough and were packing there bags "Thank you very much minseo for your help" Jungkook said "Oh it's nothing cause it also helped me to understand it too and i also got to prepare too so it's alright" Minseo replied with a smile.

They walked together till school gate jungkook was about to walk saying his bye to minseo when minseo said "Jungkook you live in osia apartments don't you?" Minseo asked "Yes why?" Jungkook asked "I also live in that area so if you don't mind can i walk with you?" Minseo asked "Ah sure" Jungkook said and both were walking side by side while talking about their teachers which turned into a ride to their past school life and than to some random topics. All in all they were enjoying each other's company quite a bit.

Soon they reached jungkook's home and than bid their goodbyes and minseo went on his way and jungkook towards his house.

This was all for this chapter hope you all will like it love you all 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙆

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