ch 18

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 It's been a week since Jungkook started working in the cafe and everything was going well. Right now too he was at the counter when he saw a couple of boys coming inside together but one of them seemed to have taken Jungkook's attention as he was the same boy from that night. Before Jungkook was mad at him for ruining his planning but now he was thankful to him cause if he wouldn't have saved him that day, he would never had felt the love he was getting from his hyungs and the people he work with. 

On the other hand, the other boy was also surprised to see Jungkook working in the cafe. He wanted to talk to Jungkook and say sorry if he had miss behaved that day but his friends were calling him constantly so he thought that maybe when he will be leaving, he can talk with him.

Taehyungs friends ordered food for themselves while flirting with the waitress which Jungkook took a notice on, and he looked at Taehyungs direction expecting him to do something, but he did nothing and focused on his phone. Jungkook did not like that at all. "If you give me that look again, I won't mind poking your eyes with a fork understand Napeun-nyon" Mina said with a deadly look and the boy looked away immediately. Jungkook smiled a little knowing his Noona is not afraid of anyone.

Taehyung and his friends were eating and Jungkook was doing his work. But when Jungkook looked up he saw that one of Taehyungs friend was giving him some weird looks and then he saw him saying something to Taehyung with a smirk and Taehyung also looked in his way with a smirk he was confused why they were giving him looks but let it slide. 

"Hyung can you please handle the counter for some time I gotta go to the restroom" Jungkook asked Sam for which Sam nodded his head. Jungkook was coming back after washing his hands when he heard Michi's voice it seemed like she was crying. He went in that direction and found her on the floor crying, he went near her and asked, " What happen Noona why are you crying". She looked up and said, "Those boys tried to touch me who were flirting with everyone". Jungkook stood up and without thinking twice went to their table and saw that there was no one there but then he heard the voice he was familiar. He went towards him and turned him around " Where the fucking hell are your friends huh you think you can molest anyone, and they will let you go then let me tell you, you are wrong I won't let you go until you are punished for your doings" he said. Taehyung was confused "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Don't try to act fool you and your friends tried to touch one of our coworkers do you think it is right to do that huh" Jungkook angrily said.  All the other customers were also listening to the commotion happening there. 

Now Taehyung understood that maybe his friends might have tried to do something, he have warned them a thousand times to not do things like that but they never listen to him now he is paying for their deeds. "Look I am sure i did nothing with your Noona nor anyone else that might be one of my friends who did that, i am sorry for the inconvenience and if you want i can also apologize to your Noona too". "You will have to apologize to her and not stopping your friends from doing something like that is also like committing a crime" Jungkook said. Taehyung just sighed and nodded his head Jungkook went inside and brought his Noona outside and Taehyung apologized to her, and she accepted it as she knew it was not him who did that to her. 

With the apology being accepted he left from there and Jungkook also started doing his working. When Yoshirin came back from market she was in rage to know about what happened with Michi. But Michi controlled her. Jungkook went home with a sour mood that day, but it was all good when he got a call from his hyung inviting him for another meeting for which Jungkook without thinking twice said yes as he knew his parents won't be back soon and he will also be able to spend nice time with his hyungs whom he missed soo much. 

Like that a few days went by and Jungkook was again having the same days he used to before Taehyung's incident. Now it was the time to go back home, and he was getting ready to leave but he was stopped by Ruka " Hey Jungkook can you help me with making a cake for Mina it's her birthday tomorrow I wanna surprise her with it when she comes tomorrow can you please help". "Of course, Noona and you should have told me before now where will I get a gift for her" Jungkook pouted. "Don't worry she won't mind, and she knows that you didn't knew about her birthday". They both together started doing the preparations for Mina's birthday. Till the time they were done it was quite late so Ruka suggested to drop Jungkook, but Jungkook refused and told her he will walk home as it was not that far as he won't get any vehicle at this time. Ruka was hesitated but let him go with a promise call her once he reaches home for which Jungkook agreed. 

Jungkook was on his way when he heard some voices from one of the darker corner. He went in the direction of the voice and found a girl on the road and a boy above her she was crying hysterically, and her clothes were also torned from various part it but what made Jungkook shocked is the face of the boy. It was non other than Taehyung.

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