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Jungkook hurriedly walked towards Taehyung and pulled the boy away from the girl. "What do you think you are doing huh trying to harass her I never thought you would do something like this". Taehyung looked at  Jungkook he tried to speak but nothing came out of his mouth, so he just moved towards the girl who was still hissing in pain and tried to help her up but instead the sleeve of her top teared up and was in Taehyung's hand and Jungkook did not thought twice before slapping him and pulled him away from her. "Have you lost your mind huh you don't have any shame you're still trying to harass her even after being caught". Hearing Jungkook's loud voice the girl flinched and tried to run from there, but she fell down and Jungkook helped her up. He looked towards Taehyung and said, "Go away from here before I will have to beat you up GO AWAY" Jungkook shouted. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and then at the girl he gave a reassuring smile and said " I am leaving don't worry he will keep you safe" with that he left. Jungkook was confused at his words, but he turned towards the girl and helped her up on her feet's. "Are you all right did he do something" he asked being concerned for her. She shook her head in denial. Jungkook sighed in relief "Ok let me get you to your house your parents must be worried". "NO, I don't wanna go to home my parents will kill me if they get to know about what happened to me, please don't get me to my house"She pleaded. "Ok I won't take you to your home but what are you gonna say to your parents about you not going there?". "I will tell them I stayed with a friend". "Won't they scold you for not informing them?" "They won't I know them". "OK then how about staying at a hotel as I can't take you home due to personal reasons". "It's okay Oppa you have already took a good care of me I will manage now thank you". "What do you mean you will manage I am not leaving you here I will take you to a hotel you can rest there and next day you can leave from there ok". The girl nodded her head.

Not too far away they found a hotel which was luckily cheap and good he got a room for the night, and they went inside. "Now rest here ok and here is my number if you need anything call me without any hesitation ok and not only for now but for forever you are like a little sister to me". "Oppa, can you stay with me for some time". "Why not I will". There was complete silence between them until the girl spoke "Oppa you shouldn't have slapped the other Oppa he was not harassing me, but he was helping me". "What do you mean?".

"Actually, when I was returning from my tuition some boys started following me and then when they saw the way was clear they took me to a corner and started to touch me and they even torn my clothes but luckily before anything could happen Oppa came and beat those boys and protected me from them he was just helping me when you came and all that happened". By the time she was finished Jungkook was completely baffled he didn't know he was doing something so wrong he felt extremely guilty for his actions and wanted nothing but to ask for forgiveness. "Oppa, I know you wanted to protect me and I am thankful for that but still I feel bad for other oppa". Jungkook looked at her and then took a deep sign he never regretted something this much.

After some time Jungkook left from there. All the way he was just thinking about how wrong he did. At night he couldn't sleep properly too. He got ready for work with the thought of Taehyung. When he reached there, he saw everyone with a very big smile he was confused until he remembered what was today. He hurriedly went out of the shop and come back in the view of everyone already congratulating Mina he also went ahead and congratulated her " Where were you Jungkook?" Mina asked. "Oh, I went to buy a gift for you Noona I forget to get one before". "Oh, it's alright you didn't know about my birthday well now I am curious what you have bought for me ". "Well, it's not something amazing but this was the only thing I got which seemed deserving". He took out a box from the bag and gave it to Mina. the box contained a very beautiful bracelet with butterfly dangling from it. Mina loved the bracelet and gave Jungkook a bear hug. Everyone celebrated until it was time to open the shop and they went back to work.

Jungkook talked to the girl and got to know that she was fine and had already went home and he also got to know her name that is Yumi. They were already having a bond like siblings with each other. His day was over like every other day, and he was ready to leave for house. "Jungkook thank you for your help yesterday " Ruka said. " It's alright Noona you don't have to thank me I am happy to help you". Then he bid his goodbye and went to his house.

Upon reaching his home he first got changed and then made some food for himself. He was ready to sleep when his hyungs call came he answered it "Hey Jungkook how are you, you didn't called me yesterday are you alright are you sick is anything wrong did your parents said something are they back?" Jin asked. "Hyung take a deep breath and nothing from what you asked happened actually I was tired and forgot to call you that's it nothing bad". "Oh, OK than Jungkook are you coming tomorrow for our meeting?" Jin asked. "Tomorrow? But we decided to meet on Saturday". " Jungkook tell me if you're sick or you're kidding me tomorrow is Saturday." "Huh oh yeah hyung I will meet with you all tomorrow at your place ok". "No actually Jungkook we will meet tomorrow at Namjoon's place ok". "OK Hyung". With that Jungkook went to sleep.

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