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Jungkook was twisting and turning in his bed when he heard a sound coming from his window. He stood up and went there to check what it was. The curtain of his window  suddenly moved on it's own and there stood a boy who was about to shout but put his own hand on his mouth and another on the jungkook's to make sure he doesn't make any sound.

"Whatavbsjsveejksb" everything jungkook was trying to say was being muffled by the hand on his mouth. "Oh bun I didn't knew that i have such an effect on you that you can't even speak in a proper way" Taehyung said with a smirk soon was having a disgusted look on his face. "Yaah why did you licked my hand you dirty boy". " Well you were suffocating me and also I am not any of your follower or a lover that you'd have a effect on me ok". "Wah such a bad mannerd boy you are huh don't you know you should speak to elder's with respect R.E.S.P.E.C.T." Taehyung said.

"Now give me side I am tired after climbing till here" With that taehyung threw himself on the bed and started rolling all over it. "Aah i missed you soo much my baby"."But i did not missed you at all". Jungkook said rolling his eyes. " I was not talking to you but my dear bed bAbY (jimin version)". Taehyung said engulfing the blanket. "Just so you know this is MY bed not yours and same goes to this house and room too and i am not your bAbY".

"By the way why are you here I thought you are busy enough to not get any time to meet anyone" Jungkook said in kinda mocking way. "Woah woah I think someone is getting fiesty hmm I am sorry but I had to help dad a bit for his work as he had to attend some very important meetings with the B. O. D and also he wanted them to meet me personally so that they could see the hidden CEO in me but really I missed you all too".

"Yeah yeah if you were that busy than what were you doing at the practice room today huh giving a presentation" Jungkook said in a mocking tone. "Wait were you there too I didn't saw". 'Why would you when you were busy flirting there' jungkook thought. " Yeah I was but now tell me why are you here". "As I said I missed you all that's why I thought to come and meet you as I am now free from my work". " We would have met in the uni tomorrow "." But I can't wait till tomorrow so I came now shh and come here I missed you soo much and also your pretty face, voice everything".

With saying that taehyung pulled jungkook towards himself and jungkook was now upon him and before he gets lost in taehyung's beauty he tried to pull himself away but taehyung didn't let him rather laid him besides himself and cuddled.

"What the hell do you think you are doing leave me" Jungkook said trying to get away but taehyung just nuzzled more into him. "Just stay like this I am tired let me rest for some time". Hearing this jungkook's heart started beating even faster than it did before, so he just laid like that until the scenario of tae and that girl came in his mind and so he in a reflex pulled himself away from taehyung and sat up.

Taehyung looked at him confused. "What happen". " You should not be cuddling with me and also should not be present here you might get in trouble". "How so as long as you don't shout out loud saying that i am trying to do something or am a thief I don't think i will be in trouble". "I won't do that but I think you should leave now you have  a exam tomorrow do you even remember that you should be learning right now instead of climbing windows". "I have already prepared so that I can spend some time with you without any problem so don't worry about me but I am glad you care though". "I don't care but I don't wanna deal with you if you fail and had to study again".

" Whatever you say" . Jungkook just looked at the peaceful face taehyung was having as his eyes were closed. After some time jungkook also felt his eyes getting heavy and so he laid down too beside the boy and looked at his face more closely but within few moments he was asleep and also taehyung had his arms wrapped around him in a couple of minutes.

They slept peacefully in each others arm but the peace was soon broken when a shout of jungkook's name was heard and the said boy squirmed in the hold in other's arm. He opened  his eyes and did the first thing that came in his brain that is to kick the other boy away from his face and caused the other boy to grunt in pain and almost scream at him if he didn't put his hand on his face.

"Ummmnnnsgshjsn" Taehyung muffled. Jungkook removed his hands from his mouth signaling him to keep quite. "What the hell jungkook why did you kicked me this hard it hurts alot aish". "It was my instinct to do that i am sorry but why are you still here". " I fell asleep that's why ". 'Aah what should I do now I can't have my parents see you' jungkook mumbled to himself.

" Jungkook what are you doing come down have your breakfast other wise you will be late for uni " Jungkook's mom said. "Oh man I really was hungry let me just wash my face and than we are ready to go ok" Taehyung said stretching his body. "What where are we ready to go? ". " To have breakfast your mom just called us right so let's go".

"And what are you going to say how you got here cause as long as I remember they didn't saw you coming here nor do they know you". "Then let's go and introduce myself so that they can know me and about me coming here tell them the truth what else". "And what do you expect them to do greet you for breaking into their son's room at that hour and be proud or what". Jungkook said with a little shout. " Well I did something brave as it's not easy to come up in here I had to go through a lot of hardships and also I look my hands..omsnsksm.." Taehyung was stopped by jungkook's hand again. "Shh keep your mouth shut mom is coming up" Jungkook whispered. Jungkook grabbed taehyung's hand and than took him in the bathroom.

As he had closed the door his room door opened and his mom entered. "Are you still showering jungkook?" "Uh yes mom I woke up late that's why I will be there in just two minutes don't worry". " Hurry up you will be late otherwise ". " Yeah".

With that his mother left from there. Jungkook took a deep breath and than turned towards taehyung who was now washing his mouth with the mouth wash. 'What should I do with you I have to get you out without being seen' he thought with another deep sigh.

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