ch 4

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Jungkook went inside his room and got changed than had dinner with his parents it was quite silent on the dinner table so he tried to make a conversation "You know mom dad today I made a new friend in our school his name is minseo and he is very much nice he helped me in my studies today" He said with a smile . His mom looked at him with a glare  "Don't you dare to do anything stupid understand?" His mother strictly said and his smile disappeared instantly and he looked down and nodded. He knew what his mother was implying to . So he just had his dinner silently and after went back to his room. He put his things in his bag and went to his bed and laid down but with tears in his eyes he didn't liked the way his mother  indirectly told him to stay away from minseo and the way she looked at him with disappointment and disgust made him hurt to the core but what can he do he knew it was his fault to be treated like this and with those thoughts and tears he soon drifted to deep slumber.

Next day he woke up did his usual routine and than was on his way to school when he heard a voice "Jungkook wait up for me" It was minseo who called him he stood and soon minseo was in front of him huffing a little "Were you running all the way till here?" Jk asked "Yes have been running from the gates of your apartment" Minseo said now standing with a smile jungkook offered him water and they both started walking together . They again talked about random topics and reached their class room attended their lectures and after school prepared for test.

They today too walked together from school to home like yesterday talking and laughing. Jungkook really enjoyed his time with minseo. When jungkook went home he didn't told anything about his day to his parents cause he didn't wanted to feel the same he did yesterday. So he silently went in his room revising once more for test and than slept.

Next day he in the morning got up early and revised once more before going to his school where again today he was stopped by minseo's voice and they walked together.


Jungkook was done with his test and he was very much happy that he did quite good in his test he was able to answer all the questions maybe with some mistake but still it was better than nothing.
He was waiting for minseo after school to thank him for his help by treating him an ice cream which he got to know that the boy likes alot.
Soon minseo came running towards him and asked him how was his test for which jungkook replied with the biggest smile and thanking him for his help.

They were on their way to the ice cream parlor to have ice cream for which minseo didn't even said no cause why should he.
"Which one do you want ?" Jungkook asked "Umm choco brownie flavour" Minseo replied. "Ok so one choco brownie and one chocolate please"jungkook told the lady and she gave them their ice creams and smiled while giving back the change. Jungkook and minseo were talking while eating their ice creams and soon reached their destination and they bid their good byes and went on their ways.

Jungkook was in his room having a nap cause due to the test he was quite tensed so he was giving his body some energy which he needed alot.
He woke up at the evening and got to know that his mom was not home and there was no note Or anything so he called her to ask where she is for which he got to know that she's at her neighborhood's aunt's house. He sighed he was hungry so made himself something and ate while watching TV.

He was watching a drama in which the main lead was quite good looking and he was having a tiny tiny bit of crush on him he was engrossed that he didn't even saw his mother entering the room and was glaring at him she snatched the remote from him and looked sternly at him jungkook was surprised by sudden actions and stood up immediately once he saw his mother looking at him. "What hell were you thinking while looking at that man huh! Didn't I told you to change your this stupid habits?" his mother seemed too much angry with him that she might have slapped him if it wouldn't have been for the door bell to ring she went and opened it seeing the neighbour she went to "Ohh mrs jeon you forgot your scarf at my place"the lady said and gave the scarf to her "Oh thank you mrs choi" She thanked and then closed the door and went inside " Now go back to your room and don't show me your face" She yelled at jungkook and jungkook went to his room.
Once he was inside he let his tears out and slept on the floor and no one came to even call for dinner or to see how he was.

Next day it was holiday as it was weekend so jungkook didn't got up from the floor even if he was awake he was still feeling hurt cause of the words his mother told him he didn't wanted to talk or see anyone so he layed there until his phone rang and he stood up to get his phone upon opening the text messages he saw that jin hyung had messaged him to come and meet them all at a cafe called  "Blue Star" He replied with a "Ok" Cause he wanted to distract his mind to something else so he thought it's better to meet hyungs and get his mind refreshed.
He went to the bathroom got changed and after organising his room he went downstairs and saw his father he told him about his leave and left.

So this was all for this chapter hope you all will like it love you all 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙆

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