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With that thought he was going around his room to find something which can help him in this. But to his worst luck he found nothing . So he just sat in his bed trying to think of something else and finally got an idea. Now he just have to wait till the midnight and he will start with his plan.

After some hours his mother came to give him food and then left. He didn't even eat that food and was just thinking about midnight.


Now finally it was midnight and he was already with his strategy. So going near his room door he tried to hear if his parents were asleep or not and now luckily they were asleep.

He now locked the door and made way toward his room window and very carefully opened it and than removed the net from it now he came back and sat at his study table to do the most important work.

He has a small apology to make so he starts his writing "Namjoon hyung i will apologize to you first as you have always been with me i am really greatfull for that and alw... Ok wait let me apologize for real reason that is do you remember that day when you got scolded by yoongi hyung for breaking his new recorder and you were hella confused when did this happen actually it was broken by me and i didn't said that truth because I was afraid that yoongi hyung will scold me and also for that one time when hobi hyung almost choked you cause you broke his speakers actually it was also me. I am really sorry hyung about that but you know how angry hobi hyung gets when his stuffs are broken. So....forgive me hyung and i really meant it when I said that I really admire you hyung you are my role model I love you hyung"

Jungkook stopped for a while and than again started " yoongi hyung i am sorry to you too for always making silly mistakes and than ruining your time i know how precious it is for you i am also sorry for waking you up that day you know when suddenly there was a shower of water on you actually i accidentally slipped and the water of the jug i was holding fall on top of you but being scared I hide behind the couch and all the blame went on Namjoon hyung as he was passing by it is an apology to Namjoon hyung too sorry hyung. But yoongi hyung I love you soo much too."

"so hobi hyung I am sorry to you too because those dance cds of yours were ruined by me and again blame went to Namjoon hyung (aish...really I will be needed to write a whole journal for apologizing to Namjoon hyung)
But please forgive me for that hyung I didn't did it by my will. "

"Hyungs I really don't know what I really would be doing if you wouldn't have been in my life really I am soo much greatful for everything you all did for me I really really love you all you are my most precious possession of life please hyungs forgive me for my doing i really can't anymore and tell jimin and jin hyung that i really am thankful for their kindness towards me and loving me as their brother I love them both to sooo much."

He then after putting his diary in its place he went to the window and jumped out of it to reach his destination

Soon enough he was there after 30 minutes of walking. He carefully gazed around to make sure no one was there than he went upon the small bridge.

There was a river flowing under the bridge in which he had decided to jump to end his misery and taking in account that the water must be cold as it was a chilly night he will die for sure if not from drowning than maybe from cold.

He was standing there staring at the water. A big part of him was afraid of this but thinking about all the things he thinks that it's better to jump and die instead of living.

Thinking about all the memories he went forward and was all ready to jump in the river but then he heard a voice
" hey lovely what's up is it a nice view or what...."

Jungkook turned around and was shocked to see a angel... ?


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