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After coming back to home through the window carefully to not wake up his parents jungkook looked around his room which was a little bit of messy , he took a deep sigh and then cleaned it. He than took the letters he had written for his hyungs and put them far inside his closet . Now all he had to do was to lie down on bed and wait until his mother come and give him his breakfast .

After about 3 hours his mother opened his room door and gave him his breakfast , which was egg sandwich with a glass of juice . He ate his breakfast and than took a shower and than sat by the window as he was locked in his room and now he didn't had anything else to do as he had cleaned his room already .

After some time he heard the door bell ring he tried to see who was at the door from his window and he saw his hyungs were standing there all having a worried look .

" hello aunty is jungkook back yet from his grandparents house its been a while and we haven't even got to talk with him " jin said to his mother. " ah no dear he is not yet back we called him yesterday and he said he will stay a little more at his grandparents house and maybe due to his enjoyment he forgot to text or call you all " mrs jeon said . " oh ok so can you please tell him to text us if not call as we are worried for him " namjoon hyung said . " of course dear i will " mrs jeon said . " ok than bye aunty " they all bid to her .

" i think something is wrong cause i know for a fact that jungkook would never behave like that he can never forget us or not text us if something like this is happening i think mrs jeon is lying we sould look for jungkook i am afraid something might have happened with him" yoongi said . " i agree with you hyung i think something else is going on " jimin said . " hmm yeah but what are we gonna do ? " hope asked

" for now we don't know but we will figure out something " namjoon said .


When i saw my hyungs at the door i felt like crying its been a while since i saw them . i missed them soo much they are the only ones with whom i have ever felt true happiness even though i met jimin hyung recently and have not known him for too long but i still can say with surety that he is no less important to me than other hyungs .

i saw them talking tried to hear what they were talking about but i couldn't so i just sat and saw them leaving with a worried expression . I oh soo wanted to yell out to them but i didn't i don't wanna be a burden to them and bring them in my life's misery. so i stayed quite .

After they left, a few meters away they stayed for a while and then left i was confused but soon they left . And I don't know when my tears started to drop from my eyes . i went to my bed and layed down again and waited for sometime thinking what to do now but suddenly the thoughts of that stupid boy invades my mind and it was enough to ruin my mood like just because of him i have to face all of this again only if he wouldn't have showed up i would have died till now . "huh stupid boy " i murmured to myself .


while complaining about taehyung to himself jungkook soon fell asleep . He was woken up by the harsh voice of his mother who was at the door and yelling for him to wake up . He sat up and looked at his mother's disappearing figure at the door and than the door being closed . He looked at the food and then after washing his hands he went and ate the food .

After having his food he took his books and started reading as he was not going school but he still needed to learn for his exams cause he knew for fact that his parents would make him graduate for their reputation . He studied till evening and then he went to the window and opened it and than proceeded to clean his room a little which wasn't dirty at all . Soon he was done with his cleaning and he had nothing else left to do . He didn't even had his phone his parents took it from him .

After few hours it was time for dinner . His mother came to give him his food as usual . He ate and then got ready for bed . He for sometime layed on his bed looking at the ceiling then he soon fell asleep .

In the middle of the night after midnight Jungkook's sleep was disturbed due to faint noises coming in his room and he was soon completely awake due to the voice which was quite familiar to him . It took him some time to open his eyes completely and then suddenly there was a bright light on his face due to which he again closed his eyes .

But when he finally opened his eyes properly he was hella shocked by the view in front of him. "wh...a.t are you doing here? " he asked.




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